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-   -   What would it take for you to start making LL2 feeders? (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=3470)

quotealex 06-01-2003 01:08 PM

What would it take for you to start making LL2 feeders?
In a nutshell, the LL2 rules would be as follow:
1- A warning page;
2- A main page with links to the gallery pages;
3- two to four gallery pages;
4- Only 5 thumbs per gallery page;
5- Each picture can be on a HTML page;

For you to build and submit such a feeder, what would it take?

CumSensei 06-01-2003 04:18 PM

Sorry what is so special about this?

And why do you ask?

quotealex 06-01-2003 04:40 PM


Originally posted by CumSensei
Sorry what is so special about this?

And why do you ask?

What is so special about it is that you get to exposed the surfer with more ads and therefore increase your chance of making a sell. i.e. Ads on the large pictures which are on HTML page, less thumbs per gallery page and hence more space for ads, more pages on a LL2 (5-7 pages) than a LL (4-5 pages) to place even more ads, etc.

manslayer 06-01-2003 07:42 PM

surfers lots of surfers

radicalx 06-01-2003 09:25 PM


Originally posted by quotealex
What is so special about it is that you get to exposed the surfer with more ads and therefore increase your chance of making a sell. i.e. Ads on the large pictures which are on HTML page, less thumbs per gallery page and hence more space for ads, more pages on a LL2 (5-7 pages) than a LL (4-5 pages) to place even more ads, etc.

Yep I definitly think it would be a good idea!! Like tgp2 - even though a lot of people still don't quite take too it!! you get a hell of a lot more clicks to your sponsors when using tgp2 as opposed to tgp's!! though tgp2's are no as big!! but I would definitly go with Link Lists 2!!

Surfers are smart nowadays!! they know where to go to get free porn!!

radicalx 06-01-2003 09:39 PM

Although I think more needs to be looked at here!

There is still a few link lists who allow fpa's, consoles and pics to be on html pages!! Also when you mention 2 - 4 pages comprising of 5 thumbs per page etc you still giving the surfer on average about 20 pics (if your using 4 gallery pages) the trick is too not over expose them to ads and not to over expose them to free porn either!

If surfers like what they see in a sponsors site then they'll click to go further etc!!

Mister X 06-02-2003 10:49 AM

There is such a thing as too much advertising I think. Having that little bit of content spread out that much with so many ads, might just chase the surfer back to a search engine instead of keeping him interested until he clicks through to a sponsor.

quotealex 06-02-2003 11:07 AM


Originally posted by Mister X
There is such a thing as too much advertising I think. Having that little bit of content spread out that much with so many ads, might just chase the surfer back to a search engine instead of keeping him interested until he clicks through to a sponsor.
20% and more of TV shows consist of ads so are magazines. why can't we do the same?

Mister X 06-02-2003 11:17 AM


Originally posted by quotealex
20% and more of TV shows consist of ads so are magazines. why can't we do the same?
I didn't say you couldn't, lol. :D

But the specs that you gave made it sound more like 50% than 20.

Lets see... warning page - 2 ads, index page - 2 ads, 4 gallery pages - 8 ads, 20 html pages for the pics - 40 ads. Thats 56 ads for 20 pics. So I guess it's a bit more than 50%, hehehe. And 2 ads per page is somewhat conservative. And if the big pic is blind linked that bumps it even higher.

quotealex 06-02-2003 11:30 AM

Interresting. Making my feeders more like FPA have always work better for me in term of conversion; in fact most of my signups on my feeders com from the FPA and main page which have the most ads on! I still think more ads sell and should increase signups.


Originally posted by Mister X
I didn't say you couldn't, lol. :D

But the specs that you gave made it sound more like 50% than 20.

Lets see... warning page - 2 ads, index page - 2 ads, 4 gallery pages - 8 ads, 20 html pages for the pics - 40 ads. Thats 56 ads for 20 pics. So I guess it's a bit more than 50%, hehehe. And 2 ads per page is somewhat conservative. And if the big pic is blind linked that bumps it even higher.

radicalx 06-02-2003 01:15 PM

Hi quotealec!

Hi Mister X ;-)

I liked your idea though quote!! it's always good to look at different options to try and get more $$$ !!

Try using different text links etc!! I knwo you probably do but a few different variations and some testing mught help you get more sign - ups etc!!

Anyway I'm going back to designing my mgp!!

Have a good day folks!!

Mister X 06-02-2003 01:25 PM


Originally posted by quotealex
Interresting. Making my feeders more like FPA have always work better for me in term of conversion; in fact most of my signups on my feeders com from the FPA and main page which have the most ads on! I still think more ads sell and should increase signups.
Certainly I'll be interested to see how it turns out. I'm really not saying that it won't work well... just that I have some reservations. It may well be that the surfer will decide that it's so much work to see 20 free pics that he'll click through the sponsor quicker. :D

quotealex 06-02-2003 03:59 PM


Originally posted by Mister X
...It may well be that the surfer will decide that it's so much work to see 20 free pics that he'll click through the sponsor quicker. :D
My intention when making LL feeders is to get surfers to conclude that they waisting their time looking at free sites and should instead signup to my sponsor paysite. Maybe that is why I get lots of signup on my feeders FPA and main page:D

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