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Candice 06-02-2003 10:52 AM

Bruce Almighty.............
is he (JIM CARREY) really a god in this movie?

Nano 06-02-2003 10:56 AM

He's never good.

gunner 06-02-2003 12:31 PM

if you love Jim Carrey, you'll like this movie, otherwise, it's not that great. IMO some of his best work"(Dumb and Dumber" & "Liar Liar") were far better movies than this. Much more comical. Bruce has a cutesy little story line splashed with a couple really funny moments.

AcidMaX 06-02-2003 01:40 PM

I actually heard from someone that isnt a big Jim Carrey fan, that this movie is VERY funny, and this person does not really care for Jim Carrey.

gunner 06-02-2003 04:27 PM

yea, the 20 year old girl I took with me to see it... she laughed a lot. I guess some people will find it VERY funny.

twinkley 06-02-2003 04:32 PM

Eh, I'm not really a big jim carrey fan to begin with ....

Connor is tho, and he saw it the day it came out and said not to waste my money .... all the good jokes are in the commercials, and that the movie has a tendancy to preach christian morality .... not really my cup of tea - definitely waiting for DVD on this one...


McAttack 06-02-2003 06:11 PM

Hmm well I like Carrey but I also think his best work has been in the past. Dumb & Dumber was great, delivered every joke perfectly. Ace Ventura was funny as hell too. Didn't like the Truman show at all, probably cause I saw EdTV first and that concept was a lot more plausible.

Me myself and Irene was funny though, and I didn't expect it to be.

mailman 06-02-2003 08:35 PM


twinkley 06-03-2003 09:22 AM

Hahahaha thats so funny! I'm like the complete opposite MCAttack! I hated the Ventura Movies, thought Dumband Dumber was just that .... Dumb. The Mask was okay, and I really liked the Truman show (although i didnt see edtv till much later ...).


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