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Evil Chris 06-02-2003 03:22 PM

Email harvesting
This is something I really don't like.
The reason I bring it here for discussion is because Funbrunette just logged into her xnations email account after not checking it for a few days and she had a bunch of unsolicited email sitting there waiting for her.

So be warned that xnations isn't exempt from people who are harvesting your email addresses. :mad:

Ronaldo 06-02-2003 03:34 PM

I suppose that would be annoying, but I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't find spam that annoying. I just delete it.

Now, when my kids are older and getting inundated with porn spam, than perhaps I'll take a different view of the situation.

I get spam sent to my home everyday. Email spam is a lot easier to get rid of and it doesn't cost me money (garbage bags).

McAttack 06-02-2003 06:22 PM

Ronaldo, I somewhat agree with you to a certain degree. I rather get email spam than junkmail in my mailbox. But I also don't want kids to get an email of a girl spreading with a cucumber showed in there either.

I believe it comes down to the invasion of privacy, or what we think of as our own space. A billboard advertising doesn't bother you as much because it's out in public. But your mailbox, your email inbox, these are all yours and I can see that some people don't want anything they didn't ask for in it. I don't want people throwing barbage on my front lawn, just as much as I don't want them cramming their crap in my mail slot. I don't look at the junkmail I get, it goes right into a garbage bag.

I'm not again mailing at all. I actually use mailing for my products. But I only use emails that have been opted-in or double-opted-in.

SicChild 06-03-2003 01:55 AM

I have a hotmail account and I hardly even get 1 spam every 2 days. Just don't read em, delete em, and you'll be fine.

SexyScribe 06-03-2003 02:06 AM

a bit of a different note..
On a bit of a different, but not unrelated, note regarding junk mail sent to our homes... RECYCLE!!

= stepping down from my soap box.. :)

Spam sucks, but that's what the delete key is for..

Evil Chris 06-03-2003 08:19 AM

I'm seriously considering using Spamarrest or something similar on a couple of my email accounts.
Any suggestions? Is Spamarrest free to try?

McAttack 06-03-2003 10:26 AM

Re: a bit of a different note..

Originally posted by SexyScribe
On a bit of a different, but not unrelated, note regarding junk mail sent to our homes... RECYCLE!!

= stepping down from my soap box.. :)

Spam sucks, but that's what the delete key is for..

True true. I do though. I say I throw it out but I use the recycling bin. The only papers I don't put in there are any bills or anything that has personal info. I normally collect all that and burn it once in a while.

WEG_G 06-03-2003 02:43 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I'm seriously considering using Spamarrest or something similar on a couple of my email accounts.
Any suggestions? Is Spamarrest free to try?

Chris try Spam Inspector, a free trail can be downloaded @ http://www.giantcompany.com/?PID=A22090

just dont add me to your ignore list ;)

BobbyR 06-03-2003 06:45 PM


Originally posted by WEG_G
Chris try Spam Inspector, a free trail can be downloaded @ http://www.giantcompany.com/?PID=A22090

just dont add me to your ignore list ;)

I second this software. I get about 500 spams a day ad this software is about 95% accurate. Just check your Quarnatine folder after a major batch of filtering. It may have caught one or two legit ones.

luke 06-03-2003 06:57 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I'm seriously considering using Spamarrest or something similar on a couple of my email accounts.
Any suggestions? Is Spamarrest free to try?

I'm using Spamarrest on my old Hirise account that gets hundreds of spam everyday and I can now actually use it again. I think it works pretty good.

firehorse 06-04-2003 01:55 PM

I know of a couple of board owners that have done it to other board owners, one in a very publicised case of spamming all the members of the board they had been loyal to simply to increase the number of board members on their own board.

That is one of the reasons I will not post there anymore!

Cyndalie 06-04-2003 05:56 PM

My new email address got harvested in 2 days already, who knows from which board. What can you do? I was enjoying the 2 spam-free days I did have

taboo_gal 06-04-2003 09:34 PM

This must be the subject of the day. I just advised someone today on using spam filters on their mail servers or email accounts if they find it bothersome. I do realize it is a real issue, which is why we have such a strict policy against it.

Honestly, though, don't some of the subject lines make you giggle? :D

linkyd 07-05-2003 03:47 PM


Originally posted by taboo_gal
This must be the subject of the day. I just advised someone today on using spam filters on their mail servers or email accounts if they find it bothersome. I do realize it is a real issue, which is why we have such a strict policy against it.

Honestly, though, don't some of the subject lines make you giggle? :D

Yeah, this seems to be getting out of hand lately. It is unsurprising that whenever a new program is launched, a TGP's confirm list gets used to publicize the new program. :rolleyes:

wsjb78 07-05-2003 04:45 PM

Well, I started now on every place where I have to give out an email address the following:

Let's assume for some reason you need to give your email address on http://www.we-want-your-email-address.com/ .

Frist: I created a catch all account (should be a bit cryptic e.g. w1s2j3b78@mydomain.com )

Second: Enter on that URL as email address: we-want-your-email-address.com@mydomain.com

Third: Because you have a catch-all account everythin will be forwared to that one. Now when you receive spam you can easily identify where this email address has been gathered from and you can block that address!

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