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Cyndalie 06-03-2003 05:33 PM

Happy Birthday Hotlips!
Tried to sneek it by but this cat's out of the bag!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOTLIPS! May your celebration be as fun and beautiful as you are :)


Pleasure to know you,

sweet 06-03-2003 06:28 PM

happy birthday

swiftco_atm 06-03-2003 07:03 PM

hey, happy birthday! Mine was yesterday

luke 06-03-2003 07:05 PM


twinkley 06-03-2003 07:39 PM

Happy Birthday Sweetie!!!

Hope its a great one!!


LaurieX 06-03-2003 08:18 PM

Happy Birthday!!! Hope all your wishes come true.:flower:

Panky 06-03-2003 08:29 PM

Happy Birthday!

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/bigdance2.gif" width="112" height="80">

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

Bestat 06-03-2003 10:55 PM

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAAAAABYY!!! Damn, about time you turned 21!!!

Much love!


HotLipsHooligan 06-04-2003 12:07 AM

Wow! Awww shucks :blush: Thanks everybody

Sneaky sneaky Cyn... tsk tsk tsk hahaa

21 Bestat? I could kiss you! Someone told me today that I was halfway between 20 and 50. hmm. I haven't decided how I feel about that yet. lol

HotLipsHooligan 06-04-2003 12:17 AM

Happy Birthday backatcha swiftco_atm!

Evil Chris 06-04-2003 10:15 AM

Happy Birthday HLH! :bday:
I think it's belated now, but I hope you had a great birthday!

Tafkap 06-04-2003 10:27 AM

Happy B-Day Hun!!


monaro 06-04-2003 12:07 PM


Originally posted by HotLipsHooligan
Wow! Awww shucks :blush: Thanks everybody

Sneaky sneaky Cyn... tsk tsk tsk hahaa

21 Bestat? I could kiss you! Someone told me today that I was halfway between 20 and 50. hmm. I haven't decided how I feel about that yet. lol

We wish you a wonderful birthday, put your feet up and let your hair down, blow out those candles and relax... because on the day that you were born, the angels came together and decided to create a dream come true. So they sprinkled golddust in your hair and golden starlight in your eyes and there were you!


twinkley 06-04-2003 04:54 PM

Hmmmm between 20 and 50 eh?

I would take it as this

Body of a 20 y/o ... with the wisdom of a 50 y/o!!



HotLipsHooligan 06-04-2003 05:32 PM

LOL Twinkley! I wish!

Thanks guys. I had a pretty good day. This is the first time I really really really wish I were still a kid for this. Birthdays just aren't as fun when you're all grown up. :(

I woke up this morning and didn't feel any older than I did yesterday, so all is well ;)

poppy 06-05-2003 08:39 PM

Happy Birthday Hotlips!

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