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LaurieX 06-07-2003 01:46 AM

Does anyone here own an ipod?
I just bought an ipod. Does anyone here have one? I am having problems when transfering songs that I have downlaoded from Kazaa to musicmatch. For some reason after I transfer the song to music match the song will not play and the song length shows 0.00 Does anyone have an idea of why this may be happening?


gunner 07-09-2004 01:48 AM

how's that ipod working out Laurie? I'm thinking of buying one so I can hook it up in my truck. You like yours?

jscott 07-09-2004 02:28 AM

i dont have 1, never even used 1.......good luck getting yours working

gunner 07-09-2004 10:58 AM

I know LAJ has one, where's he at

Nano 07-09-2004 11:32 AM

No way, I bought a much better product, the Archos G-Mini.

Gruntled 07-10-2004 02:00 AM


Are they .mp3 files or .m3u files? Can you open them with another player, like winamp?

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