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zico 06-07-2003 09:59 AM

AdultCashier - new sponsor program
I want to present to you new sponsor program:

AdultCashier is a multisite adult webmasters partnership program. We offer 50-60% of your initial charges and rebills got from your ID and 20% of sales that will come from webmasters registered with your ID. We suggest several billing systems to maximise the Masters’ and surfers’ comfort. You may look the detailed terms through in our Terms. Our program provides Masters with different tools to promote our program in a best way.
We give freehost without any ads and with the only term – you may promote our sites only. Besides the number of standart banners and advertising texts we give free hosted galleries to make Masters feel themselves comfortable.
We give a large number of exclusive free content. Free content is added every three days. You will find everything you need in your Resellers area. Now our program suggests 5 sites for promotion. You may look them through in sites.

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