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What is a "too old" age for entering porn webmastering?
Someone I consider a "not kid" asked me if there is money in porn and if he should enter the biz :D (I was smiling and he asked why..)
It had to do with his age. Somehow I find it funny thinking about a 38 y/o guy starting TGPs and submitting galleries to thehun :cool: What do you think? |
I think that when you get a little older you'll have a different perspective on things.
38 is not the end of life. Your life isn't even half over. If you don't try new things you're interested in, what *will* you do? Keep repeating the things you're not interested in? When I'm a little old lady sitting in my rocking chair and thinking back over my life, I don't want to berate myself over regrets of not just saying "fuck it" and doing what I had the urge to do. I want to tell magnificent stories of the adventures that happened when I did. |
Since when is there a maximum age limit?
Ever stop to think that some of these people had high paying techie jobs and because the market has gone to crap, they might have been laid off, or the company has closed their doors? Imagine the experience and knowledge these people can bring to the online world. Maybe for some people, working online will subsidize their income. Maybe they have kids, college, mortgage payments, car payments, rising costs of insurance and taxes...? Some companies will transfer or find ways to fire people who have been working for the company for 30 years before these people can cash in on their retirement. Imagine some of the values and work ethics these 30 somethings and above posess? They have a different mindset than someone who just graduated high school or college. Besides, not all the traffic to sites are horny teens and 20 something adults. Who better to tap into the mindset and desires of the "older generation" than someone who is in the "older generation"? <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15"> |
I really don't think there is anything close to an age limit if the person is capable of doing the work.
Some of your arguments are really right..
But I am not talking about an actual limit. I am just imagining in my head someone mature enough, in the age of 38 (for example ;) ) having to deal with furstrated punkass teen TGP owners... Not everyone is Shemp you know. Alot of the webmasters someone who wants to go into TGPs will have to deal with are GFY kids that annoy the hell out of me personally ;) and I am still young so they say :p That's what I meant by smiling. It was ammusing to picture that in my head.. A 38 y/o guy arguing with an 18 y/o milk dripping baby over GFY who's stats are better :rolleyes: heh Thinking about it, it will be much more suitable for such a person going into AVSs than TGPs, but then again you are most likely to submit to TGPs to get some traffic going. |
There is no age limit to opening a business. Isn't that what this is? A business? Did I miss something? Maybe I'm too old. ::::Looks around for cane and ginseng tablets::::: |
Well, considering that at the trade shows, I think most of the people there are mid twenties to late forties.
President of DEWOO Motors found a company when he was about 56... So maybe you friend is a future porno magnate ;)
Yes. But those people don't run TGPs
First of all, hello to everybody!!!
Now regarding the subj. I also don't think there is any age limit in this business unless the lower border (18+) of course. For instance, I have entered this business when I was 26 y.o. (before that I was working as a programmer during 5 years), and I feel good here. The same I could say if I enter the business at 30, 40 or 50 y.o. Doesn't matter how old you are. The most important thing is what can you do. BTW why he has decided to start with TGP? Why doesn't he try AVS or CJ management? IMHO that's more interesing job than just stupid TGP posting. |
Well. the focus on TGP and CJ is mainly because he doesn't know anything about the market and starting with Sponsor program of his own is no opition - you must agree.
So I figured it must be either free sites or AVSs like you said and I earlier wondered about. |
Anyways, whatever. I don't really see why it'd be funny to see a 38 year old guy either running a TGP or sending to TGPs. i'm not sure anybody else does either from the posts.
What do you think is the average age of webmasters that currently run the top 20 TGPs? |
The funny thing about seeing a 38 y/o "guy" starting a new TGP is having to deal with all the kids one HAS to deal with when starting a new TGP. Unless you intend to buy traffic for the rest of the TGPs life until its a top-20 on its own feet, one will have to deal with all the kids out there looking for a 2.5K/day trade. We are not talking here about a veteran who knows his shit and can build the greatest site in the world in 2 days. We are talking about 38 y/o newbie. Is it funny? That's a personal taste I guess. I found the first thought of it a bit amusing. Sorry if anyone disagree. |
Maybe his mental age is 16? Age does not equal maturity.
Interesting perspective XXXManager.
I'm really not sure which age group you are being more insulting to. Assuming all 18 year olds or punks or the over the hill 38ish crowd doesn't have a clue. Everyone was a newbie at some point. My neighbor started doing just that at 45. He taught me when I was 32. We both started it to subsidize our incomes but I left my job to do it fulltime. I have NEVER had an argument with a tgp owner. Some disagreements, sure. But, no more than I've had in any other field I've been in. Usually, they're right and I have to capitulate (they do have something I want after all), but more times than not I get another partner account out of it and another contact in the industry. My design skills are non-existent, my marketing skills are fantastic. So, unlike alot of tgp'ers, I spend money on my designs and my content. Being an old man, I still believe in the adage "Spend money to make money". My relationship with MOST tgp owners is fantastic. I don't treat them as 18 year old punks or 38 year old geezers, I treat them with the same respect I would treat anyone I would want to do business with. None of them have ever treated me with anything but respect either. Because this IS a business I treat it as such. I have come across people I'll never do business with again. Most were oh, middle aged, around 24 or 25 years old. Now, me and my neighbor sit around on Monday night, drink some beers and go over the sites that list one of us, but not the other. Then we contact them on each other's behalf. After we've done that, we curse the youth of today and talk about all the people we know that died in the last week. :D |
I may be totally wrong but knowing my friend and knowing the average 18 y/o webmaster, believe you me, there is a big difference. I don't think all the webmasters out there are pure and professional businessmen. Some are, some not. Just my impression of the world. Is that observation insulting to anyone? Not the way I see it. People change with time. +-18 y/o people are not of the same mentality (on average) from the +-38 y/o people I know. Sorry if anyone mistakenly though my view here were insulting. Quote:
So you see there are some differences ;) |
I truly didn't take any offense to your post XXXManager.
If anything, I was speaking for the 18 year olds in the business. I'm sure that some are asswipes, as I'm sure are some of the 38ish crowd. I do however have a hard time with anyone stereotyping ANY group of individuals based on their age, sex, etc. I also realize you were simply making an observation and one that I honestly do find amusing when I remove myself from the situation. |
I don't see it as stereotyping really :) Would you say its stereotyping saying that schoolkids care about britney spears more than 50 y/o? Or that Europeans care more about classical music than lets say Papua New-Guineans? Stereotyping is a case of wide generalization which is applied to the entire group at hand. I merely said there are some (maybe even a lot) of 18 y/o punks, didn't say they all are that way. I didn't say that an 18 y/o must be a punkass. Also - Its not stereotyping saying something that is true ;) For example, its not stereotyping saying that men sweat more than women. Its merely a statistical fact of a physical phenomena. Someone may be an exception to the rule, but the general rule applies. Female has more chances getting breast cancer. etc... Maturity has a factor of age. That is my personal impression on the matter. There are others, but this is one important factor. Anyway, a question.. Are most small to medium-small TGPs run by young people age 18-24? (Not all - most) What do you think? |
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