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Dwreck 06-17-2003 03:47 PM

AWWWW MAN!! Besides Porn and computers nothing turns me on more than......
1 Attachment(s)
I just got back from the drum shop and Im in love. If you didnt't know Im a kick ass drummer and it this pron things ever fails Im hitting the road.

Im thinking of buying a new drumset and I kinda like this one.

Magnus3x 06-17-2003 05:07 PM

I just bought a new Bass last week!!

Let's Jam!

gunner 06-17-2003 11:53 PM

I play guitar.

Dwreck 06-18-2003 12:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)
WE need to start a webmaster band.

Look at the mini drum set LOL

Magnus3x 06-18-2003 03:03 AM

Yeah for sure.. would be a kewl band I'm sure.

check it ..my buddies http://www.slownerveaction.com/

I hope they can play a show party sometime.. they play "Porn Funk"..good grooves and wicked live.

wsjb78 06-18-2003 05:41 AM

You're turned on by computers? ::-|

Tafkap 06-18-2003 06:30 AM

One of my best drums player is John Blackwell...

i'm sure u've heard of him, he's the actual Prince's drum player


DamageX 06-18-2003 09:29 AM

Can I be in your band? I can't play shit and I can't sing, but I can scream really loud and way off-tone! Plus, I'm good at writing kick-ass lyrics. :D

McAttack 06-18-2003 10:13 AM


Originally posted by DamageX
Can I be in your band? I can't play shit and I can't sing, but I can scream really loud and way off-tone! Plus, I'm good at writing kick-ass lyrics. :D
I can play the spoons.

Cyndalie 06-18-2003 10:18 AM

I have 2 guitars - a Fender Strat and a Fender PBass (primary), as well as djembe and bongo's,didgeriedoo and other random percussion instruments.

I'm in!

Danny_C 06-18-2003 10:21 AM

I'm in... on guitar. You can't have too many guitar players! (Just ask Ministry)

Dwreck 06-18-2003 01:29 PM

So here it is The NEW WEBMASTER BAND!!

Magnus3x on BASS
Gunner and Danny C and Cyndalie on guitar and percussion
Derek on drums.

OK we need a look, sound, band name and a stage look.

We need some hotties as Dancers.

Can anyone Sing?

LaurieX 06-19-2003 01:57 PM

Hey Derek that mini drumset is the perfect size for Poppy!!!:p

Dwreck 06-19-2003 02:13 PM

LOL aw man. He's gonna get you for that. LMAO!!

poppy 06-19-2003 05:49 PM


Poppy on mini drums...HAHAHAHAHAHA

Evil Chris 06-19-2003 05:51 PM

Someone throw me some bongos and a tambourine and I am in. ;)

SexyScribe 06-20-2003 03:43 AM

Count me in as a hottie dancer :D

pornJester 06-20-2003 04:48 AM

Can I be in the band? I can play the triangle! :nuts:

And I can sing some too :D

Danny_C 06-20-2003 11:26 AM

Ok, now we just need some GROUPIES!! Volunteers?

Dean 06-20-2003 12:18 PM


Nice Mini Drums: They make the drum sticks look bigger ~ lol.

So, what's the play list?

I'll take classes from the one-armed drummer in Def Leopard, so that can hold my beer with my free hand.


Dwreck 06-20-2003 12:26 PM

We still need a singer, and groupies Dean.

Hmmmmmm one thing for sure we got a hell of a good looking band together.


Dean 06-20-2003 01:04 PM

Ok, I might not be musically talented, but I can be a roadie. This way I'll hand pick the groupies that get back stage.

Basically, they have to have sex with me to have sex with you and the rest of the band... no worries though. I'll always wear a jimmy and never wear them out ~ lol.


Ounique 06-20-2003 01:38 PM

I can sing!!! I'm totally serious. I used to be in a few bands when I lived in Pittsburgh. None of them went anywhere. I tried starting a band here in LA but could not find anyone reliable to work with. I'm acutally writing several songs that I hope to put out as an independant release someday. Been working with a loop program and keyboards. I also write music for Sinister Cinema's movies. Check out Dr. Jeckyll and Mistress Hyde to hear some of my stuff. I don't sing on it, though. But it does come with a bonus soundtrack CD. Heh heh. My first CD and it's a porn soundtrack. Ya gotta love that!

Jellohead 06-20-2003 06:17 PM


Originally posted by Dean

Nice Mini Drums: They make the drum sticks look bigger ~ lol.

So, what's the play list?

I'll take classes from the one-armed drummer in Def Leopard, so that can hold my beer with my free hand.


Hi Derek, I'll be your groupie but you can't embarass me by puking on bar floors like you did at Dante's!! har har! :cackle:

Dwreck 06-20-2003 06:20 PM

Jellohead is Dante's I dotn remember that night. Is that the couger bar in edmonton?

I thought no one saw??

What the fuck who is Jello Head?


Jellohead 06-20-2003 06:24 PM


Originally posted by ContentGuy Derek
Jellohead is Dante's I dotn remember that night. Is that the couger bar in edmonton?

I thought no one saw??

What the fuck who is Jello Head?


hehehe... :p

Dwreck 06-20-2003 06:43 PM

I did some diggin I know who you are/

what's up cutie!!

Jellohead 06-20-2003 09:06 PM


Originally posted by ContentGuy Derek
I did some diggin I know who you are/

what's up cutie!!

Not bad, I guess you heard I quit LargeCash,so am moving to Kelowna next week and after that who knows... looking for a job in the summer sux cause there are too many distractions like sunbathing and flower sniffing :D

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