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-   -   X Nations Challange! Are you up to it? (Win upto $1,000!) (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=3697)

PMGames 06-19-2003 03:14 PM

X Nations Challange! Are you up to it? (Win upto $1,000!)
Heya everyone.

I have a challange for the members of X Nations!

Between today and next Friday (ending 11:59pm Friday, June 27th, 2003)....

This is a contest of skill and fun!


Log into our XXX Reversi game, register (use the screen name you use on X Nations Only) and play against other Xnation members! (Reversi is one of the most popular games played on yahoo games, aka Othello)

Invite your friends to play against you! See who has the best skills!

Who ever has the most wins at the end time will win $100 cash and will also move onto our $1,000 cash give-away finals challenge which will happen during Internext! That's right, the winner will get a chance to play against other semi-finallist winners for the chance for $1,000 cold hard cash!

So, this is X Nations week! Get on there and you could be the one to win $100 this week, and also represent X Nations in the finals!

So what are you waiting for:


Log in and have fun!!!! AND WIN!!!

Please note that all games are logged on time, etc so cheaters will be found out and eliminated

Evil Chris 06-19-2003 03:24 PM

Hey cool contest PMGames!
Thanks for including us xnationers! LOL

OK who wants to play me? :D

modF 06-19-2003 03:28 PM

Nice contest Paul :)

I'll give it a shot

PMGames 06-19-2003 03:31 PM

hehehe....I see those two are already in there playing each other. :)

Horg 06-19-2003 03:37 PM

Re: X Nations Challange! Are you up to it? (Win upto $1,000!)

Originally posted by PMGames
Who ever has the most wins at the end time will win $100 cash and will also move onto our $1,000 cash give-away finals challenge which will happen during Internext! That's right, the winner will get a chance to play against other semi-finallist winners for the chance for $1,000 cold hard cash!
1000$ !!!
PMGames is going nuts :bonk:

Evil Chris 06-19-2003 04:01 PM

twas a good game, however modF was the victor!
I'll get him next time... :p

modF 06-19-2003 04:04 PM

I must say that was a fun game. :)

I swore I was beat at every turn.

PMGames 06-19-2003 05:16 PM

that is the cool thing about it....if you set things up right, you might look like you are going to lose the whole game, but then convert everything over in the end. lol. :)

PMGames 06-19-2003 07:12 PM

Hey Luke,

Good game! Sorry it took longer than you planned. I am a strategy style player. :) I hope you had fun too! :)

Dwreck 06-19-2003 07:20 PM

WOW!!! Good idead

PMGames 06-19-2003 11:16 PM

I just played a couple of games with Taass I think it is.

Had a lot of fun playing you! You are getting better too! Keep it up!

ehoneys 06-20-2003 10:46 AM

Nice ..way to do things..

Taass 06-20-2003 11:10 AM


Originally posted by PMGames
I just played a couple of games with Taass I think it is.

Had a lot of fun playing you! You are getting better too! Keep it up!

Hey PMGames

Thanks for the games, it was great fun :)

You wooped my ass bad though *LOL*

Hope we'll play again :)


Evil Chris 06-20-2003 04:10 PM

Who's up for a game?
I'm in the room... let's get it on! :D

Panky 06-20-2003 05:24 PM

Kewl idea PMGames! <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/grins.gif" width="15" height="15">

Now all I need to do is learn how to play. <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/_950/wink.gif" width="15" height="15">

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

Taass 06-20-2003 06:26 PM

Damn... Finaly i'm about to win my first game and then my oponent goes offline :(

Guess i haven't got much luck in games *LOL*

modF 06-21-2003 10:47 PM

Anyone around to play?

taboo_gal 06-23-2003 11:30 AM

Nice idea, PMGames.

A coworker and myself have been checking out your site and showing some friends & our boss. Now if we can only convince him that playing these games would somehow INCREASE our productivity! :bonk:

PMGames 06-24-2003 06:42 PM

taboo_gal....hehehehe...too funny. I hope you guys don't slow down too much at work this week. :)

Still have through this week to still play and get in on the action! :)

Keep em coming!

PMGames 06-27-2003 10:42 AM

This is the last day for Xnations to enter..who ever has the most wins by tonight at midnight will get $100 cash and also a chance to win $1,000 at the finals at Internext!!!


Get your plays in now!!! :)

PMGames 06-28-2003 07:34 PM

CONGRATS tooo.......

Taass for having the most wins on this game challange from Xnations site!

Taass....ICQ me 105257174 so I can get your $100 to you!

Also, anyone that signs up as a new client for our games content at www.AdultWebGames.com and puts in Xnations in the promotional code, I will make you a very sweet deal on pricing....So good, I can't publish it publicly. :)

I will be starting the next round today on another board.

Good luck to all! :)

mailman 06-29-2003 12:29 PM

damn gay... went onlike like 15 times not once was anyome online... :(

PMGames 06-29-2003 09:39 PM

Find the next board that is featuring the game...you will find players to play!!! If not, ICQ me. :)

Short Irish Guy 06-30-2003 12:06 AM

Looks like a cool game ;)

Taass 06-30-2003 02:30 PM

Damn this is a cool board.. First 150$ worth of realy cool content from http://www.xamo.com/ (do check it out, it realy is very nice content) :) ..and then 100$ for having fun playing games with twinkley, Ounique & Webmistress.. Think i'm stuck on this board for good now :D

Thanks PMGames, Both for the 100$ and the good tips when you wooped my ass in those first two games :D I'll hit you up on Icq then maby we can even have a rematch ? (Starting to think those games can realy keep the members recuring) :rolleyes:


Short Irish Guy 06-30-2003 02:59 PM

Congrats on the cool prizes :bonk:

PMGames 07-01-2003 10:11 AM

Heya Taass...don't forget to ICQ me. :)

Taass 07-03-2003 08:04 AM


Originally posted by PMGames
Heya Taass...don't forget to ICQ me. :)
Ups..Sorry PMGames, Just got started on two new sites so i've been kinda lost to the world around me :)

Got you added to my Icq now, just waiting for you to get online :)

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