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BetterSex 06-19-2003 09:35 PM

Make money with Better Sex
If you have a web site you can make good money by becoming a Bettersex.com Affiliate. All you have to do is post our banner on your pages and link to the Bettersex.com catalog on your site. You will then receive a commission on every purchase made by customers who come to Bettersex.com from your site. By becoming a Bettersex.com Affiliate, you enter the world of E-Commerce, and in effect you have your own sexual health store. There is little effort, no cost and no risk for you. Just join the program, post the banner, make sure your members see it, and cash the checks we mail you.


Sign up and i will give you $10 bidding credit in www.gotosexsites.com just sign up and send me your approval email from bettersex.com

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