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Taass 06-20-2003 09:06 AM

Why do sponsors change tours ?
This is something i find realy anoying..

It's no big secret that a gallery that fits the tourpage converts better, so I try to make my galleries to fit the tours.. only if the sponsor then changes the tour i eighter get galleries that burns more bandwith to convert, or a lot of extra work changing the galleries :mad:

I'm wondering why not just keep the old tour and then make one more tour.. that would give the option to promote the tour you find converts your trafic best, and even to make more different galleries that still would have high convertions..

Evil Chris 06-20-2003 10:08 AM

Taass, we just changed the tour for College Fuck Fest, so I'm sort of on top of what you're talking about here.

I realize that webmasters create galleries that look similar to the tours they are sending to. We kept this in mind for CFF and didn't do a *major* change other than the colors and the layout. The basic look of the site is still very similar to the original one. We wouldn't have done it this way if we didn't test it first. The new tour is increasing signups from galleries old and new.

But I'd agree that a radical change would affect traffic arriving from old style gallery pages.

Taass 06-20-2003 11:06 AM

Hey Chris

Yeah i noticed, i'm sitting here making new galleries for it right now actualy (no..not becaurse of the change) :D

I wasn't aiming at you guys specificly though, more sponsors in general.. Must admit that i'm not checking up on those tours as much as i propably should have, normaly it's more like i'm checking the stats and see that there's a drop in sales, then only to find out that the tour changed completely a week or so before making me basicly just burn my bandwith..

I agrea your new tour fits the old one very well (looks realy great by the way) and if it looses some on one gallery it would propably pick up on another, I'm just wondering why you (and others) are not just making new tours an extra option instead of replacing the old one, is it something tecnical, has it stalled in convertions or are you just so tired of the old one that you don't wan't to look at it any more :)


gregtx 06-20-2003 12:28 PM

we will normally offer the alternate tour.. so that the webmaster has the choice.. but on reality tours.. we do not.. b/c of the time consumption to update each tour... would be doubled...

tour redesigns.. are usually for mutual benefit.. both you as a webmaster and the company.. should both earn from the change... but yes.. it would requre the work in changing out on the webmasters side as well... but again.. this may increase your overall conversions.. since you have freshly done galleries.. to match a fresh tour..

I konw I would rather have someone see a brand new tour.. and a matching brand new gallery.. than the same one that 10k other webmasters have up...

mo work... = mo $$$

it all payz off in the end ;)

Evil Chris 06-20-2003 02:18 PM

One would also have to consider that there are still a literal TON of paysites out there with the ancient 4 or 5 page tour with a join page. This style is pretty much out now. The longer one page tours + join is the way to go for most niches now.

Taass 06-21-2003 06:44 AM


Originally posted by gregtx
we will normally offer the alternate tour.. so that the webmaster has the choice.. but on reality tours.. we do not.. b/c of the time consumption to update each tour... would be doubled...

tour redesigns.. are usually for mutual benefit.. both you as a webmaster and the company.. should both earn from the change... but yes.. it would requre the work in changing out on the webmasters side as well... but again.. this may increase your overall conversions.. since you have freshly done galleries.. to match a fresh tour..

I konw I would rather have someone see a brand new tour.. and a matching brand new gallery.. than the same one that 10k other webmasters have up...

mo work... = mo $$$

it all payz off in the end ;)

Some quite good points there gregtx.. Guess it would be double work if it's tours that need updating all the time.. Still, two updated tours should sell better than one shouldn't they..? and they would add more varity to the galleries too as you could mix between the layouts, and if affiliates make galleries for both tours the chance of having the surfer come across too many of the same type galleries should be much smaller too..

tour redesigns should increase sales on both sides i agrea, but still, i've had tours making great sales for me that after the changes realy droped to almost zero even though they looked great an aparently increased sales overall for most other webmasters, guess they just didn't fit my site,trafic or way of promoting anymore..

Another thing Btw. is that it realy sucks to spend time redoing allready made galleries *LOL*
In some cases you can't even change them without risk a ban on tgp's you've submited them to, in many cases you can't submit the same gallery again eighter so it's more work for less exposure, and still I'd much better use my time making fresh new galleries..

Still i see your points though and don't realy disagrea.. only got another angle on it too i guess :)


Taass 06-21-2003 06:50 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
One would also have to consider that there are still a literal TON of paysites out there with the ancient 4 or 5 page tour with a join page. This style is pretty much out now. The longer one page tours + join is the way to go for most niches now.

well.. with a convertion today of 1/69 on collegefuckfest i won't even argue on that one Chris :D

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