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Feynman 06-20-2003 10:42 AM

Fashion trends for newborns

Ounique 06-20-2003 01:47 PM

OMG!!! That is great! Almost makes me wish I had a kid just so I could humilliate him later in life with photos like this. The ones with the tongue rings are the best.

Evil Chris 06-20-2003 02:15 PM

Oh God I don't think we wanna to that to ours... :p

But the Anne Geddes site has a ton of very nice fashion items for babies http://www.annegeddes.com/

Ounique 06-20-2003 02:39 PM

You know, no offense, but Anne Geddes always gave me the creeps. It was all those photos of babies dressed up as bugs and worms. I didn't think it was cute, it just wierded me out. But those clothes are cute. I have to admit. But remember Ralphie in A Christmas Story. When he's 10, don't put him in the pink bunny suit. :laughout:

barryf 06-20-2003 02:41 PM

That is so funny! And cute too!!!


TondaB 06-20-2003 03:00 PM

I love Anne Geddes calendars:)

barryf 06-20-2003 03:10 PM

Where do I buy one???


sweet 06-20-2003 08:35 PM


Kenny B 06-20-2003 10:44 PM

Re: Fashion trends for newborns

Originally posted by Feynman
Where can I order those, they are great!

Funbrunette 06-21-2003 06:25 PM

Re: Fashion trends for newborns

Originally posted by Feynman
Eek! :rofl:

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