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FrankieP 06-23-2003 09:08 PM

The Hulk
Thinking about going to see THE HULK! Any feed back, is it worth my two cents!

Blacker 06-24-2003 10:37 AM

Ive heard very mixed reviews about it. The general gist seems to be that its a good story, some top notch acting, but the special effects just look like an angry version of Shrek ...

Still, I'll be seeing it tonight, I'll let you know ...

Danny_C 06-24-2003 04:21 PM

Those special effects reviews were based on the original teasers, which had unfinished graphic work (there was some kind of mix up at the studio... which apparently cost them a lot, since I know of a lot of people who didn't see it because they were under the mistaken impression that the effects looked like shit).

The finished version has some amazing effects, and I don't know of anybody who has seen it who would disagree. Even the movie's critics admit that the effects were insane. In fact, it's just the opposite... the critics disliked the story, etc.

Personally, I thought the movie was near perfection. If you're a real fan of the old Hulk comics, you won't be disappointed. If you're a fan of the 70's show, you will be disappointed.

Danny_C 06-24-2003 04:23 PM

Actually, I'm a fan of the old show...

I should have said, if you expect The Hulk to be more like the Hulk of the show than the comic, you will be disappointed. This is the comic book version.

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