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XXXstorage_Jeff 07-01-2003 02:42 PM

Twinkley got toasted in San Diego
I got to see Twinkley smashed!



Courtesy of Fubar!


LeeNoga 07-01-2003 02:51 PM

Gawd, I though you had some real news for us like you saw her sober! LOL.

I don't know her any other way come to thing of it. :baby:

Evil Chris 07-01-2003 03:13 PM

Why is Twinkley so WHITE if she lives in Florida?
That's what enquiring minds want to know!

Cyndalie 07-01-2003 03:16 PM

You think she's white you should see me! LOL!
People in Florida KNOW better than to go out in the sun! Only the tourists are dumb enough to get fried.

LeeNoga 07-01-2003 03:53 PM


Originally posted by Cyndalie
You think she's white you should see me! LOL!
People in Florida KNOW better than to go out in the sun! Only the tourists are dumb enough to get fried.

Ya know I was not one to be in the sun and I moved here in 1985, discovered fishing and its all about the sun for me now.

I used to be so white it made my eyes hurt.

Kath 07-01-2003 04:00 PM


Originally posted by Cyndalie
You think she's white you should see me! LOL!
People in Florida KNOW better than to go out in the sun! Only the tourists are dumb enough to get fried.

Yup....we brought the whole family last year and spent the last 2 days on the beach by our hotel in South Beach and WE WERE FRIED! See...in California we know better than to go out in the sun - then again it's like 110-125 all summer long out here in the desert. We thought Florida was SAFE! lol

:blush: <--- almost as RED as we looked! lol

Vid Vicious 07-01-2003 04:10 PM

Ha ha .. Twinkely seems fried to me

Kath 07-01-2003 04:56 PM

Excellent observation - and cool "fried" pun..... lol

But OUR Twinkley? Fried? Drunk? Toasted? No way! I don't believe it for a second. Girls just wanna have fun.... and Twinkley is our leader!

You go girl! :gorgeous:

twinkley 07-02-2003 09:31 AM

Hahahahahahahaha I am extremely surprised the fish pic didnt make it up there hahahahaha

It was .... quite an evening .... hell, quite a weekend! It was great seein ya there Jeff!

I want to thank Tony, Scott, Buzz and Sweetums over at http://www.trafficdude.com / http://www.dialerdude.com for letting me stay with them, throwing such an awesome party and for just being really cool friends ....

And of course I got to party with my girl LaurieX!!! WoooooHoooo! We had a great time! I saw Mt. Soledad, La JOLLA, the beach and went SHOPPING!!! hehehehe Leave it to me to make laurie find a totally cool clothing store right by her house hehehe.

The down side to all if this is too many ciggies + too many cocksuckers = one hell of a sinus infection :( Blech. Awww well, the price one pays for a great time!!


twinkley 07-02-2003 10:22 AM

Oh, and the reason im soooo white ...

Cyndalie and I are vying for "whitest girl in florida 2003"



twinkley 07-02-2003 10:23 AM


And the ONLY reason I was fried was cause Mr. Innocent Jim from YNOT plied me with CockSuckers all night .....

"Cmon honey, everyone needs a lil cocksucker in their life"



Evil Chris 07-02-2003 12:01 PM

The pics from that event are great!
Twinkley, I see you had a great time... :)

Welcome home!

JFK 07-02-2003 01:24 PM

Twinkley, you mean this Fish Picture ?????:bonk: http://www.fubarwebmastersadventures...Img0000578.jpg

twinkley 07-03-2003 03:27 PM

hahahahaha that would be the one!!


Dwreck 07-03-2003 03:51 PM

Im pasty white as well. Good to know Im not the only one.

sweet 07-03-2003 04:38 PM


pornJester 07-04-2003 11:10 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Why is Twinkley so WHITE if she lives in Florida?
That's what enquiring minds want to know!

I'm in FL, i could use a tan. :(

JFK 07-04-2003 12:00 PM


Originally posted by pornJester
I'm in FL, i could use a tan. :(
is it Hot down there ? I guess you guys never go out, just stay in the air conditioned house, thats why you're all so lilly white !:D

twinkley 07-05-2003 08:06 PM

hmmmm 95 with 68% humidity here ... not too bad :)


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