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Ronaldo 07-09-2003 12:10 PM

Fear of flying
So, does anyone have any tips for someone who's afraid to fly?

I've only flown once when I was 14.

When I looked up fear of flying on google, all I got was a bunch of links to people trying to sell me books or access to the good tips inside their damn websites. Christ, can you believe that shit? :bonk:

gunner 07-09-2003 12:19 PM

I used to not be a big fan of flying, and then I joined the Army and jumped out of a plane. That changed things for me.

what is it you're scared of?
being 30,000 feet above the ground racing through sky at over 400mph in a giant piece of steel without any means of escape? ::-|

Ronaldo 07-09-2003 12:23 PM


Originally posted by gunner

what is it you're scared of?
being 30,000 feet above the ground racing through sky at over 400mph in a giant piece of steel without any means of escape? ::-|

None of that frightens me. It's the speeding into the ground or careening into the side of a mountain at that speed that frightens me.

Also, not having my fate in my own hands. I'm a control freak. Perhaps if they let me FLY the plane...:cool:

Tafkap 07-09-2003 12:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Eat first before jumping on the plane... then u can use some pills dedicated to Flight fear...

One of my workmate gets sick and anxious each time he jumps on a plane... u can see his face behind me while i'm having a gin and tonic :

Nano 07-09-2003 12:37 PM

Remember the A-Team?

Tafkap 07-09-2003 12:39 PM


Originally posted by Nano
Remember the A-Team?
Indeed!!! Ronaldo, ask someone to smash ur head then u'll fly with no fear like Mr T....:bonk:

NetRodent 07-09-2003 01:54 PM

I'm not a big fan of flying. The worst part for me is during landing when the landing gear come out, I always think a part of the plane fell off. The way I get through it is by telling myself that thousands of people do it each day without any problems.

Ronaldo 07-09-2003 02:00 PM


Originally posted by NetRodent
I'm not a big fan of flying. The worst part for me is during landing when the landing gear come out, I always think a part of the plane fell off. The way I get through it is by telling myself that thousands of people do it each day without any problems.
Thanks NetRodent, something for me to listen closely for on descent :D

But actually, that's what I've pretty much been telling myself. I don't know of anyone who's been in a crash and some people I know fly hundreds of times a year.

I'm pretty much gonna go caffeine free and pop a couple of gravol. Then try to distract myself with lots of reading material and headphones.

Kris 07-09-2003 02:08 PM

i hate flying. i've had anxiety attacks before on planes... not pretty. i'm a lot like you, control freakl. i hate that i have no control over what's going on. i've found some drugs that seem to help. one is called meclezine (sp?). you can get prescription strength or over the counter. dramine has come out w/ dramine2. most of the time it's behind the counter at the pharmacy, so go ask. i usually pop one of these when i get to the airport. another cure i've found is that i'm ok while i'm busy. i got some poor lady to talk to me the whole way back from vegas last year, i felt bad for her, but i think it would have been worse if she ws quiet. gameboy is a good distraction. i bought one last year before a long flight and it worked.

good luck :)

Ronaldo 07-09-2003 02:17 PM

Thanks Kris!

Good info there. Maybe I'll look into one of those.

Dwreck 07-09-2003 02:31 PM

Im with You Ron! the take off and the landing is the only scary part I find.

my body is wierd I sleep as a defensive mechanism. So I pass out on planes.

Ronaldo 07-09-2003 02:39 PM


Originally posted by ContentGuy Derek
Im with You Ron! the take off and the landing is the only scary part I find.

my body is wierd I sleep as a defensive mechanism. So I pass out on planes.

I thought about sleeping Derek, but our flight in AND out of Florida is at 7:45 in the morning.

You're right though, flying at night would probably be much better.

eiht 07-09-2003 02:55 PM

afraid or not if you have to go on a plane you can't do much....you can get drunk but that's even worse....you can take some drugs but you don't know how will your body react to them...

Kris 07-09-2003 03:38 PM


Originally posted by eiht
afraid or not if you have to go on a plane you can't do much....you can get drunk but that's even worse....you can take some drugs but you don't know how will your body react to them...
he needs to get the drugs early and test them :)

sweet 07-09-2003 05:25 PM

just fall asleep

Danny_C 07-09-2003 05:40 PM

I love flying... except for being uncomfortable in those seats. I always get a window seat, because I like to look out.

If I believed in reincarnation, I'd say I was a bird in a past life.

Kris 07-09-2003 05:47 PM

danny, one of the worst flights for me is the Dallas/Austin flight... don't know why. maybe b/c it's so short

Panky 07-09-2003 06:01 PM

Flying is soooo kewl! I have absolutely no fear of it.

My sister-in-law drinks wine and takes Benadryl. Basically any medicine that will cause her to fall asleep. Wine is a must! She chooses night flights when she has the option. <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/k/dontknow.gif" width="37" height="15">

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

CX* 07-09-2003 09:56 PM

I used to love flying until the evening news made it so scary.

The worst flight i was on was from San Francisco to Eureka/Arcata Airport in Humboldt County.. the flight course was over mountains covered in snow in a propeller plane.. it was bumpy.. there were about 8 of us and the pilot... bumpy the whole way.. I do not suggest it...

I always try and remember you have just about as much of a chance getting hit by a bus as you do crashing in a plane...

Ronaldo 07-09-2003 10:18 PM


Originally posted by CX*
I used to love flying until the evening news made it so scary.

The worst flight i was on was from San Francisco to Eureka/Arcata Airport in Humboldt County.. the flight course was over mountains covered in snow in a propeller plane.. it was bumpy.. there were about 8 of us and the pilot... bumpy the whole way.. I do not suggest it...

I always try and remember you have just about as much of a chance getting hit by a bus as you do crashing in a plane...

Just when I was getting my nerves about me, along comes Colette :D

Feynman 07-09-2003 10:34 PM

Just remember:

The sky's not the limit, the ground is.

CX* 07-10-2003 12:31 AM

Oh Ronaldo... your not taking the SF/Arcata flight are you? lol..

Johny Traffic 07-10-2003 05:32 AM

Go first class, drink plenty of Gyn and Tonic :cool:

Nano 07-10-2003 09:27 AM

Flying is great, the problem is crashing.

LAJ 07-11-2003 02:38 AM

I used to have a real problem with flying... largely because of the control factor... I don't even like it when someone else is driving LOL...

But I got over my uneasiness about 95% ... this is what you need to do:

1. Remember that statistically speaking, flying is by far the safest form of travel. THE SAFEST.
2. Turbulence doesn't bring down planes... roll with the bumps. Imagine you are on a big bus if you have to.
3. Get ahold of some Xanax... I SWEAR by it... take it right when you get on the plane.

LAJ 07-11-2003 02:43 AM

Plus I've had my near death experience so I'm in the clear LOL... back in '93 we had to make an emergency landing in Vegas... the fuckin hydrolics were malfunctioning! This was a time when I was scared to fly so you can imagine the freak out factor.

As we were approaching the airport, I looked down on the runway and there were dozens of fuckin ambulences and fire trucks... no doubt that was all intended for our plane! We landed without incident and said that there would be about a 3 hour wait to fix the plane.

I said fuck that and blew all my vacation money on gambling and got DRUNK... not just drunk... we're talking BAC .4 near coma drunk. Caught the next flight 6 hours later...

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