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taboo_gal 07-09-2003 03:26 PM

Reality TV Overkill???!!!
Last night between 8 & 10 on just about all network stations, there was some kind of reality/competition show.

Cheerleaders competing for cash
Comics competing for their big break
Model wannabes trying to BE the next big thing


Anyone else feel its becoming ridiculous?

Ronaldo 07-09-2003 03:36 PM

Re: Reality TV Overkill???!!!

Originally posted by taboo_gal

Anyone else feel its becoming ridiculous?

Yes! I confess to watching Survivor 2 and about 3 episodes of Big Brother 1. It got old really fast.

My take on it is that it's satisfying the needs of those that need to live vicariously through someone that HAS A LIFE!

Kris 07-09-2003 03:42 PM

YES. i'm so tired of reality tv, especially b/c almost none of it is real. what's worse, i read in the nytimes that there are more 'reality' shows planned for the fall. i do see a good thing coming out of it though. i've started watching less tv b/c it sucks.
*key in humming glory glory whatever it's called* if more ppl start to get tired of these shows, they might do the same. then all the sudden you have families talking at dinner and ppl outside at 7-10pm during the week. ppl getting to know their neighbors and the list goes on...

oh, who am i kidding. tv dinners will always prevail.

Ronaldo 07-09-2003 03:45 PM


Originally posted by Kris
what's worse, i read in the nytimes that there are more 'reality' shows planned for the fall.
More shows? Hell, there's a reality CHANNEL in the works :badcomp:

taboo_gal 07-09-2003 03:51 PM

I heard about that new reality channel.

All i have to say about it is .... how stupid.

Kris, you make good points, hun. Then, on the flip side of that coin, we may all be converted to watching SOAPS fro a good healthy dose of fiction.

Be honest, don't you find it humorous that vampires can inhabit entire towns while angels scramble to defeat them? :bonk:

Kris 07-09-2003 03:57 PM


Originally posted by taboo_gal
I heard about that new reality channel.

All i have to say about it is .... how stupid.

Kris, you make good points, hun. Then, on the flip side of that coin, we may all be converted to watching SOAPS fro a good healthy dose of fiction.

Be honest, don't you find it humorous that vampires can inhabit entire towns while angels scramble to defeat them? :bonk:

is that port charles you're talking about?

the channel is fine w/ me. i just won't ever watch it. it sucks when the main channels run reality b/c you're kinda forced, unless you have tivo :) or movie channels, or a lot of dvd's

Phoenix 07-09-2003 04:04 PM

i rarely watch television...and i especially don't watch reality television.

well i do like to watch "most extreme elimination challenge"

that is some funny shit

taboo_gal 07-09-2003 04:15 PM


Originally posted by Kris
is that port charles you're talking about?
YES! I'm glad I'm not the only one who watches it. :)

Kris 07-09-2003 04:46 PM


Originally posted by taboo_gal
YES! I'm glad I'm not the only one who watches it. :)
hey now... i know about it, but i don't watch it. it comes on before the afternoon local news. i would catch the end sometimes when i was in college. i'm in the office all day now, so i'm shielded from the vampires ;)

taboo_gal 07-09-2003 05:14 PM


Oh, well.....off to attempt to convert others. :bonk:

We now return you to your regularly scheduled topic.

BuggyG 07-09-2003 05:34 PM

Re: Reality TV Overkill???!!!

Originally posted by taboo_gal
Last night between 8 & 10 on just about all network stations, there was some kind of reality/competition show.

Cheerleaders competing for cash
Comics competing for their big break
Model wannabes trying to BE the next big thing


Anyone else feel its becoming ridiculous?

Ah well, am not a real big fan of reality showa. AVOID them like the plague. I just see nuthin the least bit entertaining from them. I can't say that I have never watched any, I jusyt find them a waste of time. IF I do happen to watch one for few mins. 99.99% it'll be Fear Factor. At least ya get to see them try to eat stuff and see their real reactions. I just like that show though I won't go out of my way to watch it.

CX* 07-09-2003 10:09 PM

I have direct tv and it does not include local stations which is network tv..... and im very thankful

Tafkap 07-10-2003 04:33 AM

In France, we have more and more reality programs : Big Brother look-a-like, Fear Factor, Pop idol, Joe Millionnaire (but in France, the dood is named Greg), The Bachelor, Temptation Island, Survivor and many more... i'm sick of it!!


Tafkap 07-10-2003 04:37 AM

Oh, btw, I've heard about the new one in the US : u can get a surgery (total or not) for free if the whole surgery process is filmed???

Damn, my fellow americans, ur entertainment industry is going way nuts!!!


eiht 07-10-2003 04:38 AM

tv sux

Johny Traffic 07-10-2003 05:30 AM

they should do a reality tv show about people who watch reality tv shows, then they could do a follow up show about people who watch the people watching the reality tv show, could be a long series::-|

taboo_gal 07-10-2003 08:23 AM


Originally posted by Tafkap
Oh, btw, I've heard about the new one in the US : u can get a surgery (total or not) for free if the whole surgery process is filmed???

Damn, my fellow americans, ur entertainment industry is going way nuts!!!


Yes, I saw previews for that one....Extreme Makeover is the name, I believe....INSANE is exactly what I thought! :confused:

wsjb78 07-10-2003 09:53 AM

I just stick to my daily dose of Simpsons and wednesday night Star Gate, Andromeda, Far Scape....

twinkley 07-10-2003 10:02 AM

I never got the "reality" show thing ....

I watched the original survivor for a while, but after some time it just got to be a bunch of backstabbing stupidity .... so I stopped .

I dont understand why they call them "reality" shows - there is nothing even close to reality about them! Real people dont live this way?!


Blacker 07-10-2003 10:58 AM

I only just had the realiseation the other night ... down here in australia we are just finishing up the 3rd big brother series ... and i was on hte couch, the dvd i had just watched finished (donnie darko was the movie btw, well worth a watch), and was flipping through the channels ... i started watching this 'chat show' for about 10 minutes, before i realised it was a late night 'panel discussion' about what was happening in the big brother house ...

I was watching other people talk about other people living their lives on tv ... i felt like i was dumber just for watching it ...

taboo_gal 07-10-2003 11:42 AM


Originally posted by Johny Traffic
they should do a reality tv show about people who watch reality tv shows, then they could do a follow up show about people who watch the people watching the reality tv show, could be a long series::-|

Think its already heppening........ :eek:


Originally posted by BlackerI was watching other people talk about other people living their lives on tv ...

Dwreck 07-10-2003 11:57 AM

You guys dont watch reality TV yet thier is explosion od adult reality sites.

Is this just a fad? As a content provider I get concered. hrmmmmm

Ronaldo 07-10-2003 12:30 PM

One reality show I DID watch was the one with Seymore Butts. Can't recall the name but it was funny as hell. Especially uncle Pete or whatever his name is.

Funbrunette 07-10-2003 01:37 PM

I'm getting a bit tired of all those shows! I like Survivor, Big Brother and Punked...All those bachelor, paradise hotel and whatever else, is such a way for people to look foolish on national televesion. :bonk:

Evil Chris 07-10-2003 01:49 PM

I'm probably in the minority here, but I like the idea of this reality television.
However, I do agree it's gotten way out of hand. I still tune in to every episode of Survivor, but like Kris said it's becoming less and less *real* and more produced with every episode. I would really like to see them do one up north somewhere. Where it's COLD. This is what surviving is all about. But we've been through this, and the networks need the tits and ass and buff bodies to get the ratings. Which is pathetic IMO.

I will continue to watch Survivor until it gets so stupid that it insults my intelligence, and I'll be tuning in to Big Brother as well. Those are really the only two that I've always enjoyed anyway.

taboo_gal 07-10-2003 02:43 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
I'm getting a bit tired of all those shows! I like Survivor, Big Brother and Punked...All those bachelor, paradise hotel and whatever else, is such a way for people to look foolish on national televesion. :bonk:
Now, I do like Punked. I never thought of shows like that as reality tv, though. I suppose they are. hmmmm..... I also like Crank Yankers, trigger happy tv, Dave natel and jackass. OH NO! I've been converted and didn't even know it! Sneaky bastards. :bonk:

taboo_gal 07-10-2003 02:46 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I'm probably in the minority here, but I like the idea of this reality television.
However, I do agree it's gotten way out of hand. I still tune in to every episode of Survivor, but like Kris said it's becoming less and less *real* and more produced with every episode. I would really like to see them do one up north somewhere. Where it's COLD. This is what surviving is all about. But we've been through this, and the networks need the tits and ass and buff bodies to get the ratings. Which is pathetic IMO.

I will continue to watch Survivor until it gets so stupid that it insults my intelligence, and I'll be tuning in to Big Brother as well. Those are really the only two that I've always enjoyed anyway.

Shame on you!!! :)

Nah...you get special privledges cuz you're a new daddy and married to the moderator. :D

Ronaldo 07-10-2003 02:52 PM


Originally posted by taboo_gal
Shame on you!!! :)

Nah...you get special privledges cuz you're a new daddy and married to the moderator. :D

I have to disagree.

If I had a new wife AND a new baby, I wouldn't have time to watch TV. He's slacking somewhere. :sperm:

taboo_gal 07-10-2003 04:08 PM


Originally posted by Ronaldo
I have to disagree.

If I had a new wife AND a new baby, I wouldn't have time to watch TV. He's slacking somewhere. :sperm:

Gotta give a guy a break sometime. :D

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