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amic 07-11-2003 11:55 AM

Anyone Need Adult Email?
I have adult emails for sale

and many other fresh dump or whole databases.

email me optinadv@hotmail.com or ICQ 177649825.


NetRodent 07-11-2003 12:53 PM

Can you prove the lists came from those companies?

wsjb78 07-11-2003 01:44 PM

1 Post and already spamming as well as a hotmail address make me highly suspicious...

StuartD 07-11-2003 02:30 PM

Yeah, my first question was "where did you get the lists" and second was "do they know about it?"

I never did get an answer.

amic 07-17-2003 09:46 AM

Regarding Posts
Sorry I have not replied been away.

First and foremost, I run an optin company. I buy and sell for over 15 clients on a monthly basis.

I know my industry and data. If you need referneces not a problem, just hit me up on ICQ or email me. If you need a sample and need to see the format just write and Ill send.

Ask away and I'll answer any question you have.

wsjb78 07-17-2003 10:38 AM

Are you sure those "clients" agreed that their email addresses will be sold to anyone who pays?

amic 07-17-2003 03:16 PM

how long have youve beem a adult webmaster. Do you think *bill would let there list be sold. NO.

This is a market and area where you want adult list you have them.

Some have the ability to get them and if you want them there avaiable. Basic supply and demand.

NetRodent 07-17-2003 03:27 PM


Originally posted by amic
how long have youve beem a adult webmaster. Do you think *bill would let there list be sold. NO.

This is a market and area where you want adult list you have them.

Some have the ability to get them and if you want them there avaiable. Basic supply and demand.

In other words you admit stealing the list from iBill, but you want us to trust you?

StuartD 07-17-2003 04:52 PM

Sounds to me like what you're saying is that you got it legally from someone who got it legally from someone who stole it.

Is that the basic idea?

amic 07-17-2003 09:18 PM

we have a smart bunch.

we all know that your all intersted or you wouldnt of wrote. because the bottom line is business. traffic equals business. targeted traffic equals money.

heres is your tool. its up to you to make the choice to use it or not.

if its not for you thats ok. there are other adult webmasters that will.

we are all here to assit in business. you might have a great affiliate program. you might have great content. what use does it do you or what money does it make you if you cant offer it. each of you have a tool. this is mine. we are not here not to make money right???

i thank you all for your input and time.

StuartD 07-18-2003 03:37 AM

You should be a politician.

You managed to talk a whole lot about business and making money without even coming close to answering our questions.... but you made it sound good.

You could become president ::-|

wsjb78 07-18-2003 04:51 AM

I have no interest for email addresses... we get our traffic directly from SEs

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