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Funbrunette 07-12-2003 11:04 PM

28 days later...
Well, I give it a thumbs down...I was expecting more I guess. VERY gory (that was cool).

I think Chris enjoyed it so...See it yourself and give me your opinion.

Stilgar 07-13-2003 07:44 PM

going to try and catch it next weekend... hoping it is ok.

Chris E 07-14-2003 06:00 AM

Saw it about 6 months ago... thought it was quite possibly the worst film ever... pointless gore, bollocks storyline, equally bad acting, not scary at all, made in Britain but the London shots look shit! Can't say one good thing about the film... just guessing the book is better!

You may have a different opinion!


Evil Chris 07-14-2003 11:14 AM

Well I didn't think it was *that* bad. I like zombie type movies. All of those cheesy George A. Romero zombie movies were awesome. :)
This wasn't quite like that though.

I must admit I like the first half of the movie A LOT more than the 2nd half.

Danny_C 07-14-2003 12:03 PM

I thought it was one of the best horror movies in years. Chris is right... it wasn't quite Dawn of the Dead, but it was well-done.

It was really refreshing to see a horror movie at the theater with no cheesy pop music, no nu-metal, no cheesy 1-liners, no partying teenagers... just an eerie mood throughout.

_ED 07-14-2003 02:24 PM

i liked it

SykkBoy 07-14-2003 03:21 PM

I really liked it.

I don't look at it as a zombie movie per se as the virus didn't really turn them into flesh eating mutants.

I loved the subtext of mans inhumanity against man.

The acting was good enough and it was refreshing to see a horror movie with no well known actors or rappers taking away from the affects of the movie.

I liked the handheld video style of the film as well. It gave it more of a documentary look and some of the shots were done really well.

So, from a popcorn perspective, this was good and from a film snob point of view, this was a good, fun little flick and I can't wait to see more from the director.

I didn't find it overall that scary though, for more chills I recomend "The Eye" or "Audition" as (fairly) recent horor flicks that deliver the chills.

Evil Chris 07-14-2003 03:29 PM


Originally posted by SykkBoy
I didn't find it overall that scary though, for more chills I recomend "The Eye" or "Audition" as (fairly) recent horor flicks that deliver the chills.
I haven't heard of those ones... Nor have I seen them at my local video store.

Blacker 07-15-2003 10:03 AM


Originally posted by SykkBoy
I didn't find it overall that scary though, for more chills I recomend "The Eye" or "Audition" as (fairly) recent horor flicks that deliver the chills.
I didnt find it scary either, as much as i thought it was interesting ... and it had a great atmosphere right from the start too ... i think the empty parts of london have a lot bigger effect on you if you have actually been to those landmarks for real.

I agree with 'the eye' ... havent been scared like that since i watched the original 'ringu'

quotealex 07-15-2003 11:30 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I haven't heard of those ones... Nor have I seen them at my local video store.
You will not find them in chained video store like Superclub Videotron or Blockbuster playa.

Seska 07-15-2003 06:49 PM

I expected to be scared because I am a big wimp when it comes to horror movies. I only jumped when the car alarm went off at the beginning. However, I did enjoy the movie. Found it more disturbing than scary. Made me feel anxious. I also liked it much more before they got to the compund. They shot multpile endings which will be included on the DVD and I think it might be interesting to see what else they came up with.

Danny_C 07-16-2003 02:51 PM

Audition was fucked up, but I don't know if it was scary.

webgurl 07-16-2003 03:18 PM

watched it lastnite , seems creepy at some parts . Overall , I recommend to go see it :D

SykkBoy 07-16-2003 10:44 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I haven't heard of those ones... Nor have I seen them at my local video store.
They're kind of hard to find at videostores, but you can find them at http://www.yesasia.com

Tom Cruise's production company (that made "The Ring") is also looking at the US re-make rights to "The Eye". At first look "The Eye" is similar to "The Sixth Sense" but much scarier and IMHO, much better acted.

"Audition" is one fucked up ride. Whacko chicks scare me ;-)

Funbrunette 07-16-2003 11:46 PM

Wow! Seems most people enjoyed it...I guess I wasn't expecting a zombie movie (I only found out the day I saw it). Sometimes when you watch a movie a second time you appreciate it more, I guess I'll wait till in comes out on DVD! :rolleyes:

Becky 07-17-2003 11:07 AM

I liked that movie..and I watched it after a late night of partying...sooooo, errr it was a lil more scary to me then it may have been to some.

The only thing that I didnt like about it was the ending. I thought that was one of the stupidest endings ever!!

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