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webgurl 07-15-2003 12:08 AM

Help , Help !
So i have never encountered this problem on my computer . I can't see flash or animated gif's it drives me nutz cause i can't see banners . Well Some of them i can view but everything is still. I tried Various Options and not sure if my IE is screwed i d/l most of the updates ect.........
Can someone give me some pointers without me having to reformat my computer ?

Johny Traffic 07-15-2003 05:50 AM

I can understand that you cant see flash if you hadnt downloaded flash, but gif? they work completely differently.

How odd, you have a graphics card right? :badcomp:

Blacker 07-15-2003 10:06 AM

Do you have any 'ad blocking' software, or anything that would stall the downloading of images or multimedia components to your computer?

Right click on an animated gif and save it to your harddrive, then open it up using a different program apart from 'internet explorer' and see if it animates then. That way you can determine if the problem has to do with explorer or something else.

If it is explorer, then double check through your Internet Options --> Advance settings, make sure you have all the multimedia stuff ticked.

Also, re-instal the flash player ... try seeing if flash movies play on your computer as well, if you have flash installed (if not, dont worry)

Just trying to narrow down the problem

webgurl 07-15-2003 01:19 PM


Originally posted by Johny Traffic
I can understand that you cant see flash if you hadnt downloaded flash, but gif? they work completely differently.

How odd, you have a graphics card right? :badcomp:

it was always working it just recently stopped working

webgurl 07-15-2003 01:19 PM


Originally posted by Blacker
Do you have any 'ad blocking' software, or anything that would stall the downloading of images or multimedia components to your computer?

Right click on an animated gif and save it to your harddrive, then open it up using a different program apart from 'internet explorer' and see if it animates then. That way you can determine if the problem has to do with explorer or something else.

If it is explorer, then double check through your Internet Options --> Advance settings, make sure you have all the multimedia stuff ticked.

Also, re-instal the flash player ... try seeing if flash movies play on your computer as well, if you have flash installed (if not, dont worry)

Just trying to narrow down the problem

Thanks , I will try some of these Tips :)

wsjb78 07-15-2003 04:04 PM

1.) Get a Digi-Cam
2.) Make a pic of you
3.) Upload it here
4.) .... hmmmm..... format c:
5.) Get windows cd and re-install everything...

Actually I have no clue why it won't work... do you have a new firewall installed that blocks it?

Dwreck 07-15-2003 04:18 PM

keep us updated!! Let us know what went wrong maybe I can learn from this.

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