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Magnus3x 07-15-2003 03:05 PM

Vancouver Webbies!! It's time!
Well it's that time of the month again..let round up the Van citE crew and rip this City a new Asshole!!! This coming Friday..details as to times and location will be announced tomorrow.

Jman Sweet just got some fresh ink, will be there.... Becky from TO is coming down! Whitney and some of the Mega Porn Bucks crew will be there..Webgurl...this list will grow.

Bars are open and serve till 4am on weekends so there wil be lots of drinking time!


Dwreck 07-15-2003 04:22 PM

man I so would be there I need more notice. Next one count me in for sure!!

Magnus3x 07-15-2003 04:26 PM

Hey Bro..

I'll put it this way..pick a month you want to come down and we'll make that happen.. September<--------------------------- Plan it....


Dwreck 07-16-2003 02:25 PM

October for my birthday !!

I love Vancouver!

Magnus3x 07-16-2003 03:13 PM


Location : http://www.thecatsmeow.ca/index_a.html

Time : Around 8:00 pm

I'll be there with a bunch of Sweets and i allready know couple of great peeps from the industry will be there.

Let's gather up for some Good Times.

We'll eat and drink at The Cats Meow and then go out and have fun in the city.

Come one Vancouver peeps, Who's in ???

Magnus3x 07-16-2003 03:14 PM


October for my birthday !!

Crak_JMan 07-16-2003 03:22 PM

Dude the countdown as started, come and party with us ;-))

Evil Chris 07-16-2003 03:26 PM

Let's do a webmaster gathering in Whitehorse. See how many people show up for that one! :D

Crak_JMan 07-16-2003 03:52 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Let's do a webmaster gathering in Whitehorse. See how many people show up for that one! :D
How about Timbuktu :D

StuartD 07-16-2003 07:10 PM


Originally posted by ContentGuy Derek
October for my birthday !!

I love Vancouver!

ask it shall be done!!!

See you in October :)


webgurl 07-16-2003 08:12 PM


Originally posted by ContentGuy Derek
October for my birthday !!

I love Vancouver!

Uuumm now i am obligated to meet you now :blush: :blush: :blush:

Crak_JMan 07-16-2003 08:17 PM

Stuart, Hit me up for the summit i want to talk to you about it.

As for Friday... Get you ass over to Cats Meow bro

StuartD 07-17-2003 12:10 AM


Originally posted by JMan
Stuart, Hit me up for the summit i want to talk to you about it.

As for Friday... Get you ass over to Cats Meow bro

ICQ me... 5636347
I'm always around ;)

Magnus3x 07-17-2003 01:11 AM


Let's do a webmaster gathering in Whitehorse. See how many people show up for that one
I grew up in the NWT..I spent a summer in Whitehorse...on June 21 the longest day when the sun barely hits the horizon before rising again..everyone gets naked and parties huge.

So why the hell not :D

zombiegirl 07-17-2003 01:20 AM

count me in...
since not many have heard of the Cats Meow, to avoid a bunch of wandering, shit disturbing webmasters here's the spot.

on Granville Island just north of the Granville Island Hotel. at 1253 Johnston st.

Magnus3x 07-17-2003 01:36 PM


to avoid a bunch of wandering, shit disturbing webmasters here's the spot.
Why would we want to avoid that..?:D

tineesha 07-18-2003 04:28 PM

Hola from Vancouver is this little gathering still going to take place?

Magnus3x 07-18-2003 04:43 PM

It most certainly is!

Grab Brent and the Crew and come on down.. I'm trying to get some of the Wild on Cash peeps there as well.

I look forward to meeting you!

SykkBoy 07-19-2003 01:42 AM


Originally posted by StuartD
ask it shall be done!!!

See you in October :)


heheh, thanks Stuart, I was going to post about the Summit and you beat me to it.

I look forward to seeing all of the Vancouverites and everyone else for that matter at the show. We're really going balls out for the show and will be announcing some new surpirses in the next few days and weeks.

Golf at Swan-E-Set, Strip Club Party at the Number 5 Orange and a webmaster dinner unlike anything that's been done at any previous webmaster show.

Sorry, went into spam mode there for a second ;-)

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