X Nations

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Sarah_MaxCash 07-18-2003 07:47 AM

You don't have enough banners - your affilates say so!
Recently we polled webmasters and asked them which promotional materials they looked for when deciding to join an affiliate program. Nearly every webmaster that responded said they want more odd shaped banners. So, if you don't have a good selection of odd shaped banners you may be missing out!

We are giving all webmasters a chance to boost up their banner collection by lowering our prices to new all time lows for a super summer sale.

These are limited time offers - don't waste time get your order in today and start raking in the money that comes from fresh, top quality banners of all sizes and shapes:

100 Animated Banners $599.00

50 Animated Banners $300.00

20 Animated Banners $150.00

For our level of quality and service these prices are hard to beat!

Click Here To Check Out Our Huge Online Banners Portfolio - the biggest online.

Feel free to email me at sarah@webinc.com or icq me at 1302636 with any questions.

We look forward to doing business with you.

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