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firehorse 07-21-2003 09:14 AM

Laughable lawsuits!!!
A West Virginia woman won more than $2 million after she hurt her back opening a pickle jar while at work. :bonk:

firehorse 07-21-2003 09:17 AM

A Pennsylvania woman is suing a pharmacy because she bought a contraceptive jelly from them and got pregnant anyway. She failed to read the directions and ate the jelly on toast.

pornJester 07-21-2003 11:16 AM


Originally posted by firehorse
A Pennsylvania woman is suing a pharmacy because she bought a contraceptive jelly from them and got pregnant anyway. She failed to read the directions and ate the jelly on toast.
wow, that's just plain stupid :bonk:

taboo_gal 07-22-2003 09:31 AM

Headlines like the last one make me wonder....

Are our people getting dumber or lazier??

Honestly, with an eigth of an ounce of common sense, you'd discern that contraceptive creams/jellies would be applied and not eaten!

UGH!! :bonk:

Fyrflygrl 07-22-2003 09:50 AM

Okay... I'd bet my last dollar that the girl that ate the contraceptive jelly is one of those crazies that would call SexTalk and ask about getting pregnant if she SWALLOWED....::-|

modF 07-22-2003 01:02 PM


Originally posted by Fyrflygrl
Okay... I'd bet my last dollar that the girl that ate the contraceptive jelly is one of those crazies that would call SexTalk and ask about getting pregnant if she SWALLOWED....::-|
That's true isn't it? I mean that is what they told us at school today :)

Fyrflygrl 07-22-2003 03:36 PM


Originally posted by modF
That's true isn't it? I mean that is what they told us at school today :)
:twisted: .... That's f*cked up! .. but hey, you can always get the real truth from your next date :D

Machinegunkelly 07-23-2003 01:48 AM

Sorta unrelated but funny just the same :
My dads boss at city hall Pulled his back while wiping his ass at work .
and was on compensation for a few months .

He was a rather large man .. something to do with small stalls etc etc .

He probally couldve sued and got some cash , but he wouldve been mighty embarrassed


wsjb78 07-23-2003 04:13 AM

I just think a lot of common sense in US law cases got lost in the last 50 years or so and I fear that we slowly adapt this kind of thing!

AcidMaX 07-23-2003 08:26 AM

I know someone that went into a grocery store, bought a gallon of milk, went through the checkout where they put the milk in a bag. She walked out of the store and dropped the gallon of milk on her foot (the bag did not break, she just dropped it) and broke her foot. She sued the grocery store and won approx. $5k for medical bills and such.

To me that shit should be thrown out of court.

taboo_gal 07-23-2003 09:02 AM

AcidMax, I totally agree.

What our society needs to realize is actions such as these actually cost them, and possibly the rest of us, in the end. Why? Well, think about it, if ANY case can be brought and ultimately won against a company, then the company has increased legal and insurance costs. They may also incur additional costs for advertising to detract from the incident (if made public) in an effort to save or repair the company's reputation. In turn, to try to absorb those costs, they may lay off employees, decrease wages or benefits and/or raise their prices. Thereby causing economic hardship.

Perhaps if they considered that their frivolous actions may actually have a ripple effect that could cost them more over a period of time, they would think twice about it. On the other hand, probably not, but I can wish, can't I? :)

Frivolous suits need to be removed from our legal system. Our justice system has become a laughing stock to us and the world around us. Maybe removing the junk from the docket would be the first step in regaining some control and respect for our legal system. It could also show those in our society always looking for someone else to blame that they should look in the mirror every now and then.

I now step down from my soap box and return to the padded room from which I came. (The nurse just told me it wasn't my day to play Political Advocate.) :bonk:

SykkBoy 07-23-2003 06:41 PM

I'm glad no peanut heads have yet brought up the McDonald's hot coffee case.

While most of these lawsuits are stupid, there are a lot that seem stupid on the surface until you read the actual transcripts.

Fyrflygrl 07-24-2003 08:45 AM


Originally posted by SykkBoy
I'm glad no peanut heads have yet brought up the McDonald's hot coffee case.
Oohhh... you must be talking about the older woman.. the one that was wearing sweat pants when she was burned :(( That was soooo sad :((.

For those that don't know, she spilled her McD's coffee into her lap, resulting in severe third degree burns that required skin grafting, etc. to repair... the court decision punished McD's, because they said that people came to get coffee to drink...(their coffee was about 80-90 degrees in tests).. and coffee that hot is un-drinkable, defeating the intention of the purchase.

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