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Cpak 07-22-2003 08:12 PM

Look at my galleries
Hi to all,
I am a newbie in TGP submitting , can you look at my galleries and tell me if I have any chances to be approved at BIG TGPs?

Magnus3x 07-22-2003 08:27 PM

You'll get a thumbs up for the sponsor here...LOL

My biggest suggestions would be to watch your textured backgrounds they tend to make your pages load a lil slow.

If you read the rules on the Big and lil TGP/MGP's one thing they all hate is "Click Here" "More Pictures Here" "Enter Here" "Join Here" get a lil more creative with the wording.

Keep the same series of pics/movies in your galleries.

Those are my suggestions, hopefully you get a ton more!!

Cpak 07-22-2003 08:32 PM

Thank you

Feynman 07-23-2003 12:35 AM

Re: Look at my galleries

Originally posted by Cpak
Hi to all,
I am a newbie in TGP submitting , can you look at my galleries and tell me if I have any chances to be approved at BIG TGPs?

You're hosted at Save-A-Dime-Hosting ?

It's so slow it takes almost a minute to load the gallery pages.

Fiew !

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 07-23-2003 01:02 AM

JOIN is a bad 4 letter word ... as the whole idea behind TGP is free porn

But nothing wrong with CLICK HERE or ENTER HERE ... surfers are stupid and need their hands held sometimes .... my CTRs go up ALOT when I use a flashing CLICK HERE

Cpak : for first attempts they are not bad at all ... don't let anybody discourrage you ... I see alot more effort and creativity in your galleries than most galleries I saw when I accepted public submissions ....

You will quickly learn thru trial and error, what the TGP site owners like, and what gets clicks ...

email me at "hungryman AT suckmeoffrealquick DOT com", and I will give you a partner account to www.hungrytgp.com :D

Cheers !

Cpak 07-23-2003 08:11 AM

Thanks, the message was sent.

I heard here that my I galleries are loading to slow,
what is the optimal weights for backgroudns and disign pictures?

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