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Nemo 07-25-2003 10:30 AM

Write A Porn Article
Hi, I'm starting a small sort of counterculture e-zine (we're sort of an offshoot of loompanics.com, minus the politics) and I was wondering whether any of you would be interested in writing an article about starting a profitable porn site....kind of a how-to. You can obviously use your own site as an example, which should bring you a large amount of hits from a new audience. Anyway, if anyone's interested in submitting such an article, contact me at evilspacellama7@aol.com with 'ARTICLE' in the subject line

CumSensei 07-25-2003 05:16 PM

How many people will see this article?

I could write you a long story if you wanted to but I need to know a little more :)

Nemo 07-26-2003 09:48 AM

this will be our first issue, so it would only be about five hundred or so, but as we grow bigger and our fanbase expands we'll probably reuse most of our begining material over and over again. write me at evilspacellama7@aol.com if you're interested

CumSensei 07-26-2003 11:16 AM

Ok any special field?

Or just anything goes?

Can I reccomend sponsors and so on using my refeer shit?

MAby trough a webpage specially made for your ezine?

Nemo 07-26-2003 02:38 PM

no special field, just from the angle of someone on a close to nothing budget with no prior experience in the industry trying to make a profitable site. Explain how to deal with content providers, securing a good domain name, advertising, whatever. I don't know what I'm talking about, just explain as thoroughly as you need to the different routes someone can take in building a profitable website.
I don't really have enough time to keep on coming back to this forum, so if you are interested, write to me at evilspacellama7@aol.com and explain to me what you mean by 'refeer shit' and 'trough a webpage'...i'm not quite sure....so, yeah, I'm not coming back to check up on this forum, email me

SykkBoy 07-27-2003 06:44 PM


Originally posted by Nemo
no special field, just from the angle of someone on a close to nothing budget with no prior experience in the industry trying to make a profitable site. Explain how to deal with content providers, securing a good domain name, advertising, whatever. I don't know what I'm talking about, just explain as thoroughly as you need to the different routes someone can take in building a profitable website.

I'd title this article: "Don't Bother, Go Open A Internet Treasure Chest Site"

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