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-   -   Profitable Network of AVS sites for sale! Making over $2100! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=4174)

Rabbit89 07-28-2003 12:56 PM

Profitable Network of AVS sites for sale! Making over $2100!
Hi Everyone,

Well after many years of being and adult webmaster and getting a great new job I have decided to get out of the adult business. I am now selling my AVS network of very profitable sites. My AVS sites are marking $2100.00+ a month. Plus site is making money offer referred webmasters! The sites have good rebills and new sales rates. Sites could be doing a lot better but I can’t put as much time as I used to in them.

Proof of sites profits will be provided. All I am asking for this network of sites is just $8000.00.

If you are interested in buying my network of High Quality AVS sites that are already making $2100+ a month then please email me. You should get a fast response.

Thanks and everyone have a GREAT day!

Rabbit Man
Email Me!

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