X Nations

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Preben 07-28-2003 05:57 PM

Super Internext Offer!
Hi all of you guys and girls!

We would love to have visited the Internext show this weekend, but as things are now, we cannot be there to meet you.

So, instead of coming, we have this LIMITED super deal for you - only 5 slots available:

Pick out sets from our content store for 1000$, but only pay 500$ for it!
+ you'll be the first to recieve a FREE copy of our new 2004 calender, arriving next month with pictures from our best selling sets with the hottest scandinavian girls!


This offer is only available through direct contact and not through our shop, so write an email to mail@1stcontent.com or icq Kenneth at 128732055 or Preben at 167137530!

For those of you who have not already bought content from us, please take a look at our store @ www.1stContent.com - and feel free to ask should you have any questions whatsoever!

Also, for all of you going, have a super weekend :)

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