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-   -   Win content if you can tell me who the hell this fuckin' guy is??? (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=4239)

Ronaldo 08-05-2003 02:51 AM

Win content if you can tell me who the hell this fuckin' guy is???
He showed up in about 10 of our pictures and I don't know who the hell he is.

I'll give $500 worth of content to whoever tells me who the hell he is and what he does or what site he runs. He looks like a character.

http://www.xamo.com/miami/DSC09270.JPG http://www.xamo.com/miami/DSC09198.JPG http://www.xamo.com/miami/DSC09178.JPG http://www.xamo.com/miami/DSC09269.JPG

Evil Chris 08-05-2003 11:20 AM

Ron, I haven't got a clue who he is!! :confused:

Kris 08-05-2003 11:29 AM

what a tease... in that one pic you can almost see his nametag.

Evil Chris 08-05-2003 11:32 AM

I know who he is now... :D

I was drawing a blank earlier... hehe

Ounique 08-05-2003 05:09 PM


Ask Twinkley, she looks like she was enjoying his company. :D

LAJ 08-05-2003 05:37 PM

Hey Ron... that is Andre AKA Fallen. He's one of the moderators on the YNOTMASTERS chat boards... along with XAMO Mike!!

Do I get my prize now??

twinkley 08-05-2003 08:36 PM

hahahaha crap! LAJ beat me too it!!

Thats FALLEN! He is sooo great!!


monaro 08-05-2003 11:05 PM

I know who this guy is...

He is one lucky dude.

SykkBoy 08-05-2003 11:14 PM


Originally posted by LAJ
Hey Ron... that is Andre AKA Fallen. He's one of the moderators on the YNOTMASTERS chat boards... along with XAMO Mike!!

Do I get my prize now??

YNOT Masters? what's that?


twinkley 08-07-2003 03:44 PM

Hey Sykkboy!!!

You know ... YNOT .... one of the oldest, most respected, webmaster resource centers still on the web today??? hehehehehe

Is your sig what you are working on now??? Gonna go check it out - maybe we can do some biz!! :p


xamoMike 08-07-2003 03:55 PM

Fallen? Never heard of him! Sounds like that guy from publicflash.com

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