X Nations

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Sarah_MaxCash 08-06-2003 12:05 PM

100 top quality banners for $599.00
We are giving all webmasters a chance to boost up their banner collection by lowering our prices to new all time lows for a super summer sale.

These are limited time offers - don't waste time get your order in today and start raking in the money that comes from fresh, top quality banners of all sizes and shapes:

100 Banners $599.00

200 Banners $999.00

300 Banners $1399.00

For our level of quality and service these prices are hard to beat!

Click Here To Check Out These Fantastic Summer Deals - plus more offers on HPA, FPA and paysite design.

Feel free to email me at sarah@webinc.com or icq me at 1302636 with any questions.

We look forward to doing business with you.

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