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Funbrunette 08-14-2003 12:24 AM

I'm deeply disturbed!
Ok, I don't know if you remember a few months ago I was asking about the Rob Zombie mobvie (House of 1000 corpse)! Well I finally got to see it. I rented it tonight...OMG! ::-| It totally reminded me of the chain saw massacre and Leather Face!

I got want I wanted...I am disturbed and scared to go to bed! I was pleasantly surprised, I thought it would suck, but it was quite good (if you enjoy horror, gore and lot's of blood)!

I think I'm going to watch "Piglets big movie" to have pleasant thoughts before I hit the pillow!

Horror fans, I suggest you rent it! :xthumbs:

mailman 08-14-2003 01:37 AM

Re: I'm deeply disturbed!

Originally posted by Funbrunette
Ok, I don't know if you remember a few months ago I was asking about the Rob Zombie mobvie (House of 1000 corpse)! Well I finally got to see it. I rented it tonight...OMG! ::-| It totally reminded me of the chain saw massacre and Leather Face!

I got want I wanted...I am disturbed and scared to go to bed! I was pleasantly surprised, I thought it would suck, but it was quite good (if you enjoy horror, gore and lot's of blood)!

I think I'm going to watch "Piglets big movie" to have pleasant thoughts before I hit the pillow!

Horror fans, I suggest you rent it! :xthumbs:

sweet... im gonna go rent it now... :)

Evil Chris 08-14-2003 10:34 AM

I liked it a lot too.... made me say "Holy Shit" out loud a few times. hehe

Magnus3x 08-14-2003 11:49 AM

ohhhhhhhh kewl...I'm stoked to see it..I love Rob Zombie and horror.

They are remaking Texas Chainsaw...it's gonna suck!

twinkley 08-14-2003 11:59 AM

FunB ...

Is it for the horror lovers .... or the gore lovers??

I really looove a good horror movie .... but too much gore just grosses me out hahahaha


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