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Funbrunette 08-14-2003 12:53 AM

Can I brag?!?
1 Attachment(s)
Here is a recent picture of our little Angel! He's such an amazing baby!

Funbrunette 08-14-2003 12:54 AM

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Mommy's boy! :D

mailman 08-14-2003 01:36 AM

MILF! :blush:

mailman 08-14-2003 01:36 AM

congrats though baby is looking awsome! :)

Seth 08-14-2003 03:14 AM

He's adorable.:baby: Congrats on your blessing...... (I mean the child himself.... not just that he's cute) lol:nuts:

StuartD 08-14-2003 03:51 AM

wow... FB, I can see your cheeks in him... but honestly, the resemblance to Chris is just amazing... he looks so much like his father.

Red eyes and all :D

Evil Chris 08-14-2003 10:33 AM

What a beautiful Mommy. :luv:

eiht 08-14-2003 10:39 AM


FarL 08-14-2003 11:50 AM


Mitzy 08-14-2003 11:56 AM

Oh how sweet!! Great photos!!!

Dwreck 08-14-2003 11:57 AM

awwwwwwwwww I was checkin to see how much your hair has growned back to Funbrunette..

DragonKing 08-14-2003 11:59 AM

Chris you lied!
There are no 'Breast Feeding' Pics here!


FB you have given birth to a living angel !
God Bless you all!

Fyrflygrl 08-14-2003 12:02 PM

Can you brag!?! YES you can!!

What a cutie!! And believe me this... there'll be a day that you look into the eyes of your ten year old son, and it will feel like only yesterday that you posted this thread!!

My oldest will hit the double digits this year and is in the 4th grade... it really does seem like only the veeery recent past that I was wiping the druel from his chin... (sigh).. but hey, I think you have to start 'druel-wiping' again when they get about 15 or 16 :)) I'll let you know....

Ronaldo 08-14-2003 12:25 PM

Very cute pics FB. None of him smiling yet?

Kath 08-14-2003 12:32 PM

He gets cuter every time we see a new pic! Thanks for sharing! Wow... he's really getting big fast!!! :D

Funbrunette 08-14-2003 10:18 PM

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Originally posted by Ronaldo
Very cute pics FB. None of him smiling yet?
We've got so many pictures...lol

Funbrunette 08-14-2003 10:19 PM

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And he always so happy! He started to laugh now and it's hilarious! :bonk:

Taass 08-14-2003 10:29 PM

He He.. Cute.. Hard to belive my own was ever that small.. As time pases by fast :)

So whats his name.. Mini Evil ??;)

Funbrunette 08-14-2003 10:31 PM


Originally posted by Taass
He He.. Cute.. Hard to belive my own was ever that small.. As time pases by fast :)

So whats his name.. Mini Evil ??;)

Hehehehe! His name is Ryan! My pride and joy! :D

Taass 08-14-2003 10:49 PM

And a realy happy fella too it seems.. :)

Think I'll have to hide this board from my GF so she don't get any ideas about having more kids... Cute baby's seems to have that effect on women :rolleyes:

init 08-14-2003 11:35 PM

congrats :) , my sis just had a baby so i know how you feel

kassidy 08-15-2003 04:04 PM

He's beautiful! :)

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