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Taass 08-15-2003 01:36 PM

Is This the end of AVS ?
Just got this mail from SexCheck


SexCheck Webmaster Update

Dear Webmaster,

As you are aware, VISA, MasterCard, payment processing companies, together with their respective banks, frequently adjust, or readjust, their policies regarding online payment transactions.

We at SexCheck have been informed that VISA has interpreted its regulations to prohibit AVS programs from accepting transactions originating at sites not owned by the AVS program itself.

This means that SexCheck, as an AVS, can no longer include sites owned by third party webmasters. So not only must SexCheck no longer accept for review any third party site submissions, any third party sites participating in the program must be removed.

Regrettably, we have no choice but to comply with VISA's position, and therefore all SexCheck join panels must be removed from participating sites.

Thank you for your kind support of, and participation in, SexCheck. And thank you for removing the join panels from your sites.

Kind Regards,

SexCheck AVS
I'm asuming this aplies to all AVS's.. so this would pretty much be the end of AVS's wouldn't it ?

12clicks 08-15-2003 04:09 PM

yes, visa doesn't want some avs acting like a third party biller but without the visa controls.
I think they'll all be history.

Evil Chris 08-16-2003 07:12 PM

Damn... that's heavy. Especially since there are a lot of webmasters who make a (damn good) living from their AVS sites.

Taass 08-16-2003 07:25 PM

Yeah.. I never had much luck with it though, so never realy got to heavy into Avs..but it must totaly suck for those making all or most of their money this way..

Thought that it was only the AVS naming that was the problem, but this seems to be the whole structure of the AVS sites system.. can't realy see how they can aply to this change..

Maby if the AVS oved all the sites themselfs and affiliates where just builders/designers of the AVS own sites and content ?

Hard to see a good deal in that for the affiliates though :(

skillfull 08-17-2003 08:53 AM

no more avs :(

Taass 08-17-2003 09:06 AM

It doesn't look like it.. But hopefully there's a way out of this for the AVS's..

Anyone know why this happened, does Avs have too many chargebacks or what can be the reason ?

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