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-   -   Hosting Auction: 20GB, 250 Gigs, cPanel/WHM (Managed Semi-Dedicated) (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=4451)

keyDet79 08-18-2003 11:55 AM

Hosting Auction: 20GB, 250 Gigs, cPanel/WHM (Managed Semi-Dedicated)
VibeHosting.com is testing a new concept and offering the following Semi-Dedicated plan, on an Athlon XP 2600+ (equals to P4 ~2.4GHz), 1GB PC2700 DDR and a 7200RPM drive /w 8mb cache at a VERY low price:

- 20GB Space
- 250 Gigs Transfer
- cPanel/WHM /w ability to restart services
- 2 Dedicated IPs (more available)
- Fully managed server (dressed up virtual hosting)

Only 4 users will be put on the server, we need 1 more user, either a webmaster or a reseller. Overselling is allowed. Bandwidth is multihomed, mainly AboveNet/MFN and Global Crossing. Server is 100mbit burstable, housed in eXchange colo in San Francisco.

Extra 1GB memory is $30 a month, split in 4, extra 80GB drive (Maxtor) is $15, split in 4. If you grow out of your plan you will be upgraded or transferred to a dedicated.

Auction starts at $30 (contact me for buyout price) and will last several days (also on other boards) unless we cancel it earlier. Winner must be able to pay by Paypal or CC within a few days, server is going live before the weekend. Click on Email Notification when replying so that you will be notified of higher bids.

Hit me up, ICQ 51034232, MSN simex@wxs.nl or reply, thanks.

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