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Dwreck 08-21-2003 11:37 AM

A simple hard drive question
In the last 8 months i have been thru two hard drives. One after a year then it died then I put a new one in last 2 months it died Now the new one is making a spinning and clicking noise it;s a month old if.

What the heck is wrong and how do I making the clickin noises stop?

I have defgarged it. Any ideas?

BrianSterling 08-21-2003 12:07 PM

If your hard drive is making clicking noises it means it's going to die really soon so make sure that back up is up to date, not much else you can do about it now though.

I don't know if you are sticking to a certain manufacturer or trying a few, i haven't found any that I like all the time, western digital seems to be okay at the moment.

1 month seems pretty quick, and if you've had that many drives go you may want to check on other factors, see how much heat is accumulating on the drive, if you have it fairly cramped in there that may be causing the drives to die early, or if it's just really warm in the room you have it in.

Magnus3x 08-21-2003 01:06 PM

Dude I have gone through 2 HD's as well since January, and my first one made a high winding whistle sound and I knew she was gonna go...

What brand of HD's do you buy?.. best to spend the money a good one and send your others back as they should be covered with warrenty.

Frustrating as hell eh:badcomp:

Dwreck 08-21-2003 01:22 PM

I called westerndigital and they sending me a new one from before.

It's goona take 5 bizness days.

Now if I transfer my data to the new hard drive will anything be lost?

I like I want all my email history my pictuers,settings, booksmarks and shit saved is this possible?

iroc409 08-21-2003 01:25 PM

as long as you make sure and copy everything, you shouldn't lose anything. i'd highly suggest NOT using this drive until you get the replacement. depends on how you run your systems, presonally i keep the operating system seperate from all my data (makes reinstalls a lot easier :) ).

interesting... i've never had a problem with western digitals personally, although i have heard of a few die.

the ones i haven't had die have been maxtors... i haven't talked to anyone that has had a maxtor die (yet). i like western digital for their performance, but i'm starting to think i should switch all my storage drives over to maxtor or seagate or something :(

Dwreck 08-21-2003 01:49 PM

this information is so valuable thanks guys.


twinkley 08-21-2003 02:30 PM

Yeah ... what they said hehehehehe

I have a real problem keeping fans going .... replace mine every 2-3 months .... fuckin cats hehehehe


Dwreck 08-21-2003 02:39 PM

Hey twinkley!!

I have cats too is that cmmon the fan going out?

twinkley 08-21-2003 03:26 PM


If you dont clean it out regularly (and like - who does?!) - cat hair and dust n shit will build up between the blades and bearings and stuff and POOF - weird noises, clanking - then toasted HD. The first time I had a fan bearing going, I thought my computer was gonna blow up - it was making the most godawful noise .... all that, from a TINY bearing!!

I hear if you CAN manage to remember to clean it out, they last quite a while hehehe


BrianSterling 08-21-2003 03:44 PM

I would suggest burning all your data to cd or copying it to another drive if you really need it, i doubt your drive will last 5 days (although it could) and not using it doesn't always help as shutting down the computer, and letting the components cool down will cause the drive to seize and you won't be able to read anything off of it.

Actually I just had both a maxtor and a seagate (within a year of each other) die recently in my computer, the maxtor was 40g and the seagate was 80g, IBM was good for awhile, but then they had a bad batch, WD had a bad batch awhile ago, but seem to be okay now.

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