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luke 08-26-2003 01:39 PM

Saw De La Soul last night
We were heading home and passed in front of House of Blues and noticed De La Soul was playing so I jumped out and go a couple tickets. That was a damn good show, I've seen them before but they seemed a lot better at HOB. Anyone here like them?

Magnus3x 08-26-2003 01:51 PM

I loved "Three feet high and rising" and the only stuff I heard after that I could'nt get into. They are playing up in Whistler at the end of the month I might head up to see the show!!!

luke 08-26-2003 02:02 PM

I like pretty much all their stuff. I actually still have a De La Soul is Dead TAPE that my brother had a long time ago. Definitely a god show to go see.

gunner 08-26-2003 04:37 PM

those guys are still playing?
man, I saw them when I was about 15, it was on the 3ft high... tour
I didn't know they were still together. What about Tribe Called Quest?

luke 08-26-2003 04:56 PM

Yep, that are still together and I'm pretty sure they are coming out with a new album pretty soon. Not sure about Tribe.

Cyndalie 08-27-2003 12:22 PM

I saw them in Gainesville about 5 years ago, was a great time! Very fun show. I used to love them in my teens "It's just me myself and I" ;)

Odie 08-28-2003 12:50 PM

saw them last summer and they were amazing!!! it was a small show so I was like 10 feet away and they performed for 2 1/2 hours!! Totally brought back memories from my teen years!

luke 08-28-2003 01:05 PM

Yeah, same here. The HoB in New Orleans is a decent size but not really big. We were on the floor pretty close to the stage. It wasn't that packed or anything so there was room to move around. I've seen them before at a place called the Howlin' Wolf but before they came on I got too drunk and had to leave...lol.

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