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baddog 08-28-2003 02:44 AM

Looking for some input
Some of you may recall that in July I mentioned I had been approached about hosting an online radio show dealing with AVS. Well, it looks like I am going to go thru with this, and now I am seeking some input on what you would like to see/hear on the show.

Things I would like to know would be:

What time of day works best for you?

What topics would you like to see discussed?

Are there any guests you would like to hear from?

Would you like to be a guest?

The show will be archived, and there will be an mIRC channel set up.

People will be able to call in, and I was thinking of having questions sent in via e-mail.

I am looking for any (intelligent) input anyone would like to contribute.

Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

Evil Chris 08-28-2003 08:51 AM

I was under the impression that AVS was soon to be going the way of the dinosaur because of Visa's new regulations?

I'd tune into your show though baddog. I'd be happy to be a guest as well.

baddog 08-28-2003 03:31 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I was under the impression that AVS was soon to be going the way of the dinosaur because of Visa's new regulations?

I'd tune into your show though baddog. I'd be happy to be a guest as well.

The news of our demise has been greatly exaggerated.

Contact me re: subject you would like to discuss regarding AVS.

So far I have someone from sex.com to discuss traffic, and a marketing guru.

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