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-   -   GA Media Launches IE Toolbar Customization Service. (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=4634)

Lee 09-02-2003 07:23 PM

GA Media Launches IE Toolbar Customization Service.
Would you like users to have a toolbar linking their browser to your Web site, just like the Yahoo and Google toolbars?

With our existing technology, you can create a dynamic customized browser toolbar that features and brands your website to our users.

The surfer's experience will now benefit both you and your surfer.

* The tool bar resides atop the user's computer browser to bring the power of your site to surfers, wherever they are on the Web;

* Increases the surfers' affiliation with your company by exposing your brand on their browser.

* Improves accessibility of your site and your services or products.

Function, flexibility and profitability are the main designs ideas built into each custom toolbar.

Programmed in a stable and secure environment; the modular design makes the tool bar compact, non-memory intensive and quick to run. On the fly changes, with the update of a small configuration file that launches with the browser, gives you immediate functionality and flexibility - making your toolbar an added feature of your website/services, and a value added tool with strong branding capabilities.

For more information about our custom toolbar services please feel free to visit us at http://www.adultwebmastertoolbar.com/custom.shtml or email us at toolbar@gamediacorp.com



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