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Evil Chris 09-09-2003 11:51 AM

Do you like to travel?
Share some of your most pleasureable destinations!

I have travelled extensively all over Europe... In particular I loved travelling through Germany, Holland, and Switzerland.

StuartD 09-09-2003 01:41 PM

"like" to travel... or "get" to travel?

I'm either in school, or broke, or busy.... I just don't get to travel much it seems. Sure I like to, but I've rarely ever even left Canada.

Maybe one day I'll win the lottery and not need to work, or be in school... and not be broke. Then I can travel :)

Magnus3x 09-09-2003 02:18 PM

I love traveling!!!... I've hitchhiked most of Canada even.been up and down both coast lines as far up and down as you can go.. by car and plane.

I thrive on being some place different I think. So much of the world to see...so little time!!

wsjb78 09-09-2003 02:41 PM

I love travelling also... Switzerland has many beautifull places that are worthwhile seeing but generally you can put that into three categories... so I need to go to other countries to view complete different things. I loved the outback in australia. In the center of the red continent everything is flat as far as you can see except for Uluru and the Olgas and everything is red....
When I was in spring '97 in Canada (Nova Scotia) it was so incredible beautiful driving through all those mapple-red forests... endless forrests... something we don't have here....
In Egypt seeing the desert and the pyramids it was just breathtaking...

There are a lot more places I'd love to visit and I'll do my best see all of them.

Diva 09-09-2003 05:40 PM

I love to travel!!!

I haven't done that much, but I feel it is fun and exciting to visit new places.

I have been to Cuba, and Dominican Republic.

I have been to a few places in the States as well.

I went to Calgary this past summer, and visited Lake Louise and Banff. Such beauty in our own country, it was very breath taking.

I also love visiting Montreal, and I can't wait to see Vancouver!

Chr1isme 09-09-2003 06:12 PM

Traveling rocks! I did a bus tour in New Zealand & Australia I loved both places... I say the more you travel the more you learn other cultures.

Funbrunette 09-09-2003 07:34 PM

I like going south! :angel:

Panky 09-09-2003 08:40 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
I like going south! :angel:

LOL! I'm sure Chris doesn't object! <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/c0/biglaugh.gif" width="15" height="15">

I luv to travel. Right now, I'm in the work to travel mode. It's a bitch when one day you wake up and suddenly you have become an adult with responsibilities, but at the same time, I will never ever become a house hermit. I'd rather die than be one of these people who only see the world through a TV screen.

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/_950/around.gif" width="15" height="21">

<img src="http://www.adultisubmit4u.com/Smile/upsidedown.gif" width="15" height="15">

Shann 09-09-2003 11:13 PM

I LOVE the Bahamas. Been to Nassau about 5 times, the weather and people are great. Hmmm which reminds me I need to go there soon!

Hoping to go to Europe soon, I've haven't been yet. :(

Tafkap 09-10-2003 04:49 AM

Re: Do you like to travel?

Originally posted by Evil Chris
Share some of your most pleasureable destinations!

I have travelled extensively all over Europe... In particular I loved travelling through Germany, Holland, and Switzerland.

Ever been to France my friend?

Hey, For Pirates that intend to travel to Paris, contact me and i'll be ur personal guide in our crazy jungle!!


dyonisus 09-10-2003 12:36 PM

I love to travel, I especially love road trips

Never been over to europe would like to go there
Also the caribbean! WOW, and anyplace I can surf or jet ski!

skillfull 09-11-2003 09:51 AM

who doesn't like to travel ?
i like Sunny Isles in Florida !

Cyndalie 09-11-2003 01:16 PM

I only LIKE to travel to certain places : Jamaica, Bahamas, Florida Keys, any place tropical. I hate traveling to Vegas, Delaware, and boring places where its either too hot, too cold, or too landlocked. I dont usually like being gone for more than 3-4 days at a time, I start to miss my kitties :)

Dwreck 09-11-2003 01:34 PM

I never travelled at all much till I got invloved in adult.

SO far *PORN* has made it possible to see Maimi, Mexico, toronto, Vancouver twice, Montreal, Seatlle, Vegas 5 times and one one time we decided to drive to Vegas from Winnipeg I got tlo all of the states.

So I never have been to europe but im making my way there.

My favorite place was Montreal. I loved it!!

XXXMgmt 09-11-2003 04:59 PM

Love to travel, usually just can't afford to.

Last month we did however head to Williamsburg Va, and I loved it, was hot as hell but their is lots to do down their and it was a nice trip.

We also love going up to the Pocono Mountains, just love it up their, I always have since I spent a lot of time when I was younger hiking in the mountains up their.

zico 09-11-2003 06:06 PM

Travelling is great thing. But for all my life I were only in Poland and here in Israel. I thought visit Israel for couple of month but I'm staying here already about two years :)
So, if anybody wants come here - you are welcome :)

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