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ScriptBall 09-16-2003 07:21 PM

Custom Scripts and Professional Website/Paysite design
Well, in the last few days everything has been moving along nicely, We have hired an in house junior programmer. We have hired an in house graphics designer/Paysite designer.

Our new web page is nearly complete and everything is working excellent.
If you wish to view our website it is at http://www.scriptball.com
this is also a small example of our Graphics and paysite designers work, more will be coming soon.

We have different plans of payment, If you wish to see some information on the "Hire'A'Newbie" project solution, you can contact me on ICQ: 307802876

If you would like a username and password to log in to our page to veiw some of our freebie software, Please contact me on ICQ:307802876

If you wish to have some of your ideas quoted or coded, you can contact us on ICQ:307802876, Email is disclosed on our webpage, or call us at 780-452-7576 and ask to speak to a project manager.

Thanks for listening to my business rant

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