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Funbrunette 09-18-2003 10:31 PM

Survivor Pearl Island
Wooohoooo! Looks like it's going to be the best by a long shot! (extra bonus....naked men :drool: ) I have to admit that's the one show I'm addicted too :blush:

Well...tonight was the premiere and I was NOT disapointed!


Bye-Bye! Nicole!http://burns.thefinaldimension.org/c...hterpurple.gif

Diva 09-18-2003 11:50 PM

Wasn't it fun to see all those "pretty girls" jump off the ship in dresses!!!Looks like its going to be an interesting group of characters this time around!!

poppy 09-19-2003 12:54 AM

Man, did Nicole play it wrong or what???

Shann 09-19-2003 08:40 AM

I swore i wouldn't watch it but i did! The challenges annoy me so i flick the channels for that. The dude cutting up his Armani suit was good i must say. :) I'm also stuck on Temptation Island, i'm getting sucked into pseudo reality shows again, i have enough drama though! rofl

Magnus3x 09-19-2003 12:38 PM

yeah it looks like a good crop of peeps....I like the gruff Pirate dude :happy: but looks like next week he goes a lil crazy.

Hey read this, they think they have a winners leak: Full story

LaurieX 09-19-2003 02:55 PM

I liked it. I like the fact that they are doing new things this season like not letting them take anything but what they were wearing. Doh!:bonk:

sherie 09-19-2003 03:05 PM


Originally posted by Magnus3x
yeah it looks like a good crop of peeps....I like the gruff Pirate dude :happy: but looks like next week he goes a lil crazy.

Hey read this, they think they have a winners leak: Full story

LOL yea he is great!! His he gonna snap? I bet he does...Not to mention, did you see what he does for a living? LMFAO

This one is going to be good. At least they have a shit load of fish n' stuff this time around. The clothing issue does suck ass...

Evil Chris 09-19-2003 03:10 PM

I would like to be on Survivor.
I think I could win it. :)

Magnus3x 09-19-2003 03:48 PM


I would like to be on Survivor...I think I could win it
Being Evil..mua ha ha ha ha;)

I think they should do a "International" Survivor, 1 player from 16 different countries and slap them in the Yukon. As long as they speak solid English and look good near naked.. it would be a interesting dynamic.

pornodoggy 09-19-2003 04:27 PM

I will have to take your word for it ... I have yet to see an episode of Survivor, and have no plans to do so any time soon.

wolfman 09-20-2003 01:33 PM

Awesome! I loved it... Definitely a show to watch this season! Too bad Nicole was voted out! :( Although she screwed up big time with her yap! One must learn to keep quiet once a plan has been formulated. ;)

Izzy 09-22-2003 01:30 AM

OK I said I wouldnt watch this one, cuz the last 1 pissed me off, but this looks like it might be okie dokie, rupert is my fave for now, but he might piss me off, the show is new and i am just getting to know all the ppl yet. but there are some that i wouldnt mind seeing go right away. I could tell they are gonna be morons. Hope some1 who deserves it wins! Unlike the last 1!!

Oh and PS: Poppy, LOVE your picture!!

Purple Haze 09-22-2003 08:16 PM

I like Survivor, I have watched everyone. Its about the only reality show I will watch.

Purple Haze

Izzy 09-22-2003 09:19 PM

Well Purple,

I have watched every1 as well but, I do watch Amazing Race as well. That is a very fun show, I like it more than Survivor. There is just more to it than Survivor. Well that's how I feel anyways.

Purple Haze 09-23-2003 12:23 PM

I know what its about, the Amazing Race, but I haven't watched an entire episode. When is it on, maybe I'll catch it?

Purple Haze

Izzy 09-23-2003 08:48 PM

Well, the next time Amazing Race is on Purple, try to watch it and if you do I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do.

dyonisus 09-25-2003 12:43 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I would like to be on Survivor.
I think I could win it. :)

I think I could win -- for sure in the top 5. I would definitely fly under the radar until the past the merger. I am a hard worker, know enough about people to be strong but not overwhelming.

For me just the experience, the ability to delve into the human dynamics of it all and the adventure. I would make the most of whatever destination we were stranded in. :cool:

Diva 09-26-2003 04:16 PM

So who watched last night show? I thought it was great! I knew Skinny Ryan was going to get the boot!

Funbrunette 09-26-2003 08:03 PM


Originally posted by Diva
So who watched last night show? I thought it was great! I knew Skinny Ryan was going to get the boot!
I thought they were all a bit cruel...If the guy had any self esteem it's all gone :(

Diva 09-26-2003 10:17 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
I thought they were all a bit cruel...If the guy had any self esteem it's all gone :(
You have a point, they were mean to him, but at the same time, its a game, and he didn't have what it takes to win it.

That whole team better get it together and start working as a team, or else they are going to continue to get the butts kicked.

Izzy 09-29-2003 09:23 AM

I am actually enjoying the show!!! I was so happy for Rupert when he found his spear :D I thought that was great. Now for Skinny Ryan, I felt bad for the kid, he really thought he could prove hisself to every1 that he could do 120% but he just did awful and I felt soo bad for him :( Poor kid, my fave part was when Sandra went to the other tribe's camp to take something and when she took the tarp they all had a shit fit :D :D LOL LOL that was great!!

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