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Evil Chris 10-11-2002 04:09 PM

New movies
There's a few new movies opening up this weekend...
I like the looks of a couple of them... "The Transporter" and :Knockaround Guys"...
Anyone going to the movies this weekend?

Magnus3x 10-11-2002 04:31 PM

The Transporter looks good, I like that guy when he was in Snatch and 2 smoking barrels. Let me know about Knockaround Guys, I really can't stand V. Diesel (sorry ladies) but I actually need good acting to get into movies and since I don't want to jump his bones he is not a big draw for me. The rest of the cast looks good though.

I want to see The Ring looks good and creepy.

Electra 10-11-2002 04:39 PM

I still haven't caught up with the movies from the past three months yet. Still haven't seen Signs. I am waiting for a new movie by either Tom Hanks or Russell Crowe.

Tobbe 10-11-2002 06:18 PM

no time here :( :bonk:

PattyeCake 10-14-2002 03:03 PM

Red Dragon ROCKED Evil one, you should check it out!!

Evil Chris 10-14-2002 03:10 PM


Originally posted by PattyeCake
Red Dragon ROCKED Evil one, you should check it out!!
It did? Everything I heard on it so far was fair to negative... Hmmm.. I think I'll wait this one out and get it on PPV or DVD.


Originally posted by Magnus3x
The Transporter looks good, I like that guy when he was in Snatch and 2 smoking barrels. Let me know about Knockaround Guys, I really can't stand V. Diesel (sorry ladies) but I actually need good acting to get into movies and since I don't want to jump his bones he is not a big draw for me. The rest of the cast looks good though.
I like Seth Green. Can't wait to see how he does in that flick... Yeah I'm not a big fan of Vin, either. Funbrunette likes him, though... LOL

twinkley 10-14-2002 03:32 PM

I hate the movie theater. I will wait for them to come out on DVD :)

Watched Walking Life (boring as hell) and Scorpion King (awesome! much better than I had hoped) this weekend.


movies were NOT the highlight of my weekend! I got neverwinter nights on saturday and it rocks 10 times more than I thought it would


If you enjoy online, multiplayer action/role playing games you will loooove this. Still getting used to the interface, but picking it up quickly and DAMN is it pretty - the graphics are amazing!


BuggyG 10-14-2002 04:23 PM


Originally posted by Magnus3x
The Transporter looks good, I like that guy when he was in Snatch and 2 smoking barrels. Let me know about Knockaround Guys, I really can't stand V. Diesel (sorry ladies) but I actually need good acting to get into movies and since I don't want to jump his bones he is not a big draw for me. The rest of the cast looks good though.

I want to see The Ring looks good and creepy.

Ok...FINALLY!! Someone agrees with me. I am sorry but Vin Diesel cannot act. Triple XXX would have been better with a better actor. Just my opinion. He's just too...not good of an actor. Ok better then me but that not saying much. But finally someone else says it besides me. Well about him. The movie is just my opinion.:rolleyes:

twinkley 10-14-2002 05:35 PM

He doesnt have to be a good actor...

In fact, he doesnt even have to talk....

He can just stand there looking soooooo hot and I would be just as happy....

Acting is highly overrated....:D


luke 10-14-2002 07:12 PM

I watched Scooby Doo for the first time. Its was ok, for being a kids movie. Also, watched Showtime, thought it was pretty funny and I've tried to watch The Way Of The Gun twice this weekend and keep falling asleep. But it seems like a pretty good movie.

Evil Chris 10-14-2002 09:17 PM

I like Adam Sandler and his new movie Punch Drunk Love looks like it's going to be pretty good. Not a zany comedy like we're used to from Adam... might be a breakthrough movie for him! :)

luke 10-14-2002 11:16 PM

Happy Gilmore was the first dvd I ever bought. Makes me laugh every time I watch it.

Evil Chris 10-14-2002 11:37 PM

I love that movie too, but one thing I don't understand is how someone could give up ice hockey to play golf!?!?!

Toolz 10-15-2002 12:16 AM

We all give up the dream one day Chris and realize, that you can't eat dreams and sleep under a roof of imagination.

I never wanted to be the next Toe Blake, I personally think Billy Martin had a much more interesting life.

And if anyone ever asks I would have much rather been Babe Ruth than Ty Cobb, (Ty was a mean SOB and Ruth got the ladies).

twinkley 10-15-2002 09:30 AM


How do you guys turn everything to sports?? Who and Who and Who? Okay, I know who Babe Ruth is .....

Soooo uhhhh... about those movies....

hehehehhe just fuckin witcha :)


BuggyG 10-15-2002 10:08 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I like Adam Sandler and his new movie Punch Drunk Love looks like it's going to be pretty good. Not a zany comedy like we're used to from Adam... might be a breakthrough movie for him! :)
I think he getting the idea that althoguh all his movies are funny. and I still enjoy watchign them on satellite or some other way. He just getting type casted in basically same kinda role. The goofy-funny guy. Time to get his act to more then just that. It's the same for James Gandolfini on Sopranos. All his parts will basically be him protraying one way or another the same style. Unless he proves he can do more, he'll get stuck in type-cast hell.

But then...it's just what I think. And you can't do anythign about it. HA!!! :bonk:

luke 10-15-2002 10:58 AM

I agree. Kind of just like Jim Carry played a bunch of goofy roles but they wre funny as hell. I haven't seen his latest movies so don't know if he's getting out of that or not. Has he actually been in anything lately?

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