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Izzy 09-22-2003 07:15 AM

What What?!?!? 6 Ft From Strippers?!?!?!?!
OK B4 I start my bitching about this really fucked up law about to be made, I would really like to say thank you to all the people who welcomed me here so warmly!! I did not expect that from a place like this, that was such a wonderful and nice surprise!! THANX!!

OK enuff of all this mushy stuff, on to the bitchin'!!!!

In Cali, a new law is being made(or has been made, I am still not sure) that customers in Gentlemen's Clubs are not allowed to touch the dancers!!!!!!!!!! OK HOW FUCKED UP IS THAT?!?!?! You have to be at least 6 ft. away from the dancers!! Who the fuck is gonna go to these clubs if they can't touch the women!!!!!! These clubs are gonna lose so much business, cuz of these dumb fucking law makers in Cali!!! How the hell are the girls gonna get their tips? WHAT, they gonna have to get buckets for each girl and put their name on it and when 1 girl comes out, they pass her bucket around?!?!?! How fucked up is this shit?!?!

How many men here would still go to a strip bar, even tho you can not touch the ladies? Hell, if I wanted to see a girl strip and not be able to touch her, I'd go rent a porno, or wait til mid night and turn on Showtime or something like that!!!

Paul Markham 09-22-2003 08:05 AM

Re: What What?!?!? 6 Ft From Strippers?!?!?!?!
What are you moaning about, the customers will just have more money to spend on the Internet.

Evil Chris 09-22-2003 11:48 AM

haha.... good point Paul. :laughout:

Kenny B 09-22-2003 12:22 PM

That's why I love montreal, we have great beer and cheap women... or is that cheap beer and great women... same difference:-)

wsjb78 09-22-2003 01:43 PM


Originally posted by Kenny B
That's why I love montreal, we have great beer and cheap women... or is that cheap beer and great women... same difference:-)
It seems Montréal has to offer a great many things :) I should go there one day!

BuggyG 09-22-2003 02:00 PM

hehehe montreal has a great many thing and MORE if ya kow where to go and who to ask. Always fun if ya kow where to look and which girl to go see at a strip.:D

Mpegmaster 09-23-2003 01:00 PM

Re: Re: What What?!?!? 6 Ft From Strippers?!?!?!?!

Originally posted by Paul Markham
What are you moaning about, the customers will just have more money to spend on the Internet.
Point Noted down paul! :rolleyes:

Hope to make more sales now! :D

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