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Izzy 09-22-2003 09:26 PM

I have a question....
I would like to know what everybody's occupation is, and how long have you been doing that occupation. I do not work, I live off of couch money for now, cuz I am extremely lazy :D and off of my parents as well :D

Mpegmaster 09-23-2003 12:35 PM

Well i am a Student Still!
So i guess i am just trying to make some extra cash out of this Biz!

Hell yeah I am Lazy Too! :D :bonk:

wsjb78 09-23-2003 01:49 PM

Same here... being student... started to do small things in the adult industry in 2000 to earn a buck or two... and since a bit more than a year the guy that brought me into that plus another one have joined forces to get more out of it :)

Mpegmaster 09-23-2003 02:25 PM

Students and porn seem to go hand in hand! :p

well i have been here since 2000 too!

Still trying to get myself comfortable in this biz! I wish everything goes well! :rolleyes: :)

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