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Vid Vicious 10-12-2002 03:37 PM

C2GT Montreal Webmaster Party Pixxx
We Had a great time .. Evil, FunB you guys were missed :confused:

The Party continued onto the streets of Montreal after the Bars Closed (3am) SOme of us kept going till about 7am .... One Webmaster (Uncle D/ASSMAN touchyourtoes.com) was actually reconized! D was nice enough to pose for some pics with his young fans ... LOL

And now onto the Fun

C2GT Montreal Webmaster Get Together Party Pics

Evil Chris 10-12-2002 03:51 PM

Looks like it was a hell of a good time...
Cathedra... congrats on organizing such a great evening!
We'll make it to the next one... What with Thanksgiving this weekend and all, we have a lot of family stuff going on.

Vid Vicious 10-12-2002 07:42 PM


Magnus3x 10-12-2002 08:09 PM

Uncle D is my man.. We'de party in TO and people would reconize him from "Matchmaker".. way too funny.

Evil Chris 10-12-2002 09:57 PM

I met Uncle D a few years ago and have seen him a few times since then. Good to see he made it up to Montreal. But I think he loves this city! (and who doesn't!!!)

UncleD 10-13-2002 03:54 AM

Excellent time
Hey guys....
Thanks for the thumbs up, much appreciated. It's nice to meet solid & non judgemental people in the biz. I had a killer time in Montreal and yes I love this city. There' just something that drives me nuts trying to get a french girl to understand me when I'm telling her to touch her toes and to actually keep her jeans 'on'. :o)

Looking forward to a continued french excurtion in the near future.

have a smooth one & thanks again.


Uncle D

Vid Vicious 10-13-2002 10:50 AM

D welcome to Xnation dude ! ... I'm a little shocked that your already back in TO... I'll give ya a shout this week .. Hitting the 401 in an hour...

Funbrunette 10-13-2002 11:06 AM

Looks like you guys had a blast!!!! :glugglug: Sorry we couldn't make it....Next time!

gunner 10-13-2002 12:31 PM

The party was great, cool people, and a a good time, AND Montreal fucking rocks! Definitely some of the hottest girls anywhere. My neck hurts from looking so hard, and those accents!... I gotta get back up there soon.

Magnus3x 10-13-2002 02:22 PM

Hey hey.. the D-man comith..welcome to it bro!

Evil Chris 10-13-2002 03:22 PM

UncleD... hey welcome to xnations!! :boatswain

UncleD 10-13-2002 09:12 PM

Gunner's right about the Montreal thing. We spent the day watching & snapping butts in tight jeans all day. Should be a nice addition to http://www.skintightjeans.com

I really have to make a return trip before the snow falls and the long jackets are out in full force :(

Magnus, the Vancouver trip is still a good possibility, I'll let you know the date and the RAZOR party

Cathedra 10-13-2002 09:52 PM

Fun Boys:)
We had a great time at the first C2GT! I was so glad that so many people showed up! Wish I could have tagged along with you guys, but I ended up having to drive a few co-workers home that drank a tad much.

BUT Karl's party is sooon, so I'll see all you guys there! By the way, who is dressing up as what?:cool:

Magnus3x 10-14-2002 03:08 AM

Well you know you have a place to stay in Gastown..and someone to party hardy with so lemme know what is up my man closer to the time.


luke 10-14-2002 01:39 PM

Looks like it was a fun time.

Welcome to the board UncleD.

gunner 10-15-2002 06:18 PM

two pics from the party.
<img src="http://members.warpnet.net/gunner/montreal1.jpg">
Me, Vid, & Uncle D
<img src="http://members.warpnet.net/gunner/montreal2.jpg">

Horg 10-16-2002 12:34 AM

What ? No pictures of me ? Awww ! Bah doesn't matter, for some reason I never appear on group pictures hehe, I'm never at the right place at the right moment ;)

It was fun to meet you all last Thursday :)
I did not stay that long but it was still quite fun, I'll go to the next one for sure !

Vid Vicious 10-17-2002 03:07 AM

Gunner Dude, I had a great time too .. Gonna have to plan a trip to the Windy city .. Do the chicks all wear skirts???

firehorse 10-17-2002 07:49 AM

Looks like everyone had a kick-ass time!:glugglug:

Welcum aboard UncleD:D

Dugmor 10-17-2002 11:46 AM

I am still cleaning out my digital wallet . I knwo the pictures from that night are in there. I will make sure I post them .

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