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Diva 09-30-2003 06:29 PM

So...have any of you ladies or men, ever particiapted in a yoga class before?

I have my first power yoga class tonight. I used to take it before, so I can't wait to get back into it again.

Any yoga lovers out there?

Funbrunette 09-30-2003 07:55 PM

No, but I'm dying to try it out! I work out 4 days a week and I think adding a class of yoga would do wonders for my mind! :hippy: Do you suggest it Diva?

Visualad 09-30-2003 08:37 PM

I educated myself in it and took a certification and license a few years after I got my certification as a personal trainer.

I try to do a Yoga session atleast 3-4 times a week, along with meditation, its a great way to relieve stress from business and also to loosen up sore muscles from the weight sessions in the gym.

Im glad you started doing it again! Love it!


Diva 09-30-2003 09:14 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
No, but I'm dying to try it out! I work out 4 days a week and I think adding a class of yoga would do wonders for my mind! :hippy: Do you suggest it Diva?
I do highly recommend it!!! My class is a power yoga class, so its a little faster, with more movement than a regular one. So you won't be bored.

As Visualad says in his post:

its a great way to relieve stress from business and also to loosen up sore muscles from the weight sessions in the gym. I totally agree.

I find that after my class, I am so relaxed, and refreshed. I know tonight, I will have a good night sleep!

So FB, you should sign up!!

Shann 09-30-2003 11:22 PM

I've taken some yoga classes, I could never get the scheduling right for me though. My condo offers it, but I haven't tried it here yet. I am pretty flexible but not as flexible as yoga die hards! lol

I've taken belly dancing before, WHAT a great work out.... i start again next Tuesday. :)

pornodoggy 10-02-2003 12:26 AM

I know a couple of people who are really into it ... a lot of them swear by it.

Bruno Dickman 10-02-2003 04:49 PM

I have been practicing Yoga for a few months now. Honestlyy folks... I used to have severe pain on my wrists, from so much computer use, and now the pain is gone and I feel MUCH better. :)

Kris 10-03-2003 04:17 PM

i was really into berkham (sp?) yoga a little over a year ago. i've been trying to get back into it but they changed the times on me. good stuff though.

Cpak 10-03-2003 07:49 PM

Get your camera with you, it may be the new niche....

Mpegmaster 10-04-2003 02:43 AM


Originally posted by Cpak
Get your camera with you, it may be the new niche....
Well yeah sure....it could be called Yoga Sex! :cool:

Diva 10-04-2003 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Cpak
Get your camera with you, it may be the new niche....


Originally posted by Mpegmaster
Well yeah sure....it could be called Yoga Sex! :cool:
Cpak, and Mpegmaster, you guys will just have to join a class of your own!!!

Yoga sex, :confused: , too much!!!

Cpak 10-04-2003 07:38 PM

It will be excellent fetish niche, like bondage+asian I think :)
or it will be cool reality content ,
Title:" YOgangbang"
desc: "Felicia gangbanged by her Indian yoga trainer"

Mpegmaster 10-05-2003 12:43 AM


Originally posted by Cpak
It will be excellent fetish niche, like bondage+asian I think :)
or it will be cool reality content ,
Title:" YOgangbang"
desc: "Felicia gangbanged by her Indian yoga trainer"

Way to go mate! :worthy:

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