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Evil Chris 10-13-2002 03:26 PM

My father and brother drove down to Concord North Carolina to see the Winston Cup Nascar racing this weekend. (The UAW-GM Quality 500)
I think they're kinda nuts to drive all the way down there to see a Nascar race, myself.

AWolf 10-13-2002 07:38 PM


I have to agree. I live 2 hours from Bristol and some times I think it would be better to just leave the state when the race is here.

Funbrunette 10-13-2002 08:53 PM


Hehehehe! I just find that stuff so boring!

JTW 10-14-2002 01:03 AM

I can understand why some people find it boring, but I am really into it. I keep saying I am going to get to a race, but I have never made it. I hear it is a pretty wild scene in the infield etc. Lots of debauchery :nuts:

EC, aren't you from Canada? How long of a drive would that be?

black torana 10-14-2002 02:51 AM

MY wife thinks im made
my main passion in lifs besides my family is cars and my burnout car
twice a month we tow it a couple of hours to the nearest
track and i go crusin every sat night
But like i tell her i do go to clubs and stuff like that thats how i spend my time
cheers robbie
PS i made this in like and hour last night design is not my thing so dont laugh to much

Magnus3x 10-14-2002 03:00 AM

ah man.. yaaaaaaaaaaaahns-ville I don't like Nascar at all, but fans are fans.. there is no grey area with this sport you love it , or fucking hate it like I do.

The wheels in this car go round and round..round and round..blah blah blah..LOL

No dis to fans..just not my speed ya know.!

Tafkap 10-14-2002 05:03 AM

I like Nascar but i do prefer Formula 1...

Btw, Michael Schumacher is the greatest, he won 11 races out of 16 and went on podiums for each race.

Wonder what he could do in Nascar or Cart...

Respect to the man...:worthy:

modF 10-14-2002 09:04 AM

I don't get the sport either. I mean I love to drive fast, and race a bit myself. But I hate to watch others do it. My entire father's side of the family loves it. Come to think about it, I think that half of them just love to go get drunk :)

Evil Chris 10-14-2002 09:38 AM

Yes I do prefer F1 as well....

JTW.. I think it was about a 14 hour drive for the. That's what they said they expected anyway. My guess is it took them about 16+ hours to get from near Toronto, Ontario to Concord, NC.

I'll find out when they're back home tonight.

luke 10-14-2002 12:49 PM

A little bar I go to in my neighborhood has some die hard nascar fans. Mostly the older guys. I'll go when there is a race to eat their food and drink but I never really could get into it. I like watching the wrecks :D

Toolz 10-14-2002 01:28 PM

Having driven shifter karts on a couple occasions I can tell you this, that ANY type of racing at high speeds is by far the most strenous sport you can participate in. The mental tenacity as well as physical fitness these guys requre to run hundred's of laps is amazing, in our first shifter kart session we ran a total of 50 laps with no more than 12 laps at a time and after 12 laps I was close to exhaustion. True Nascar may not be the most exciting sport to watch but any auto-racing is a full out blast to participate in.

luke 10-14-2002 01:40 PM

Oh, for sure. I'd love to do it, I just don't like watching someone else do it. :D

Evil Chris 10-14-2002 01:54 PM

I remember talking to some fast-air guys when I was in the military. They were telling me how wrecked their passengers are when they finish a familialization flight in an F-18 trainer. I'm sure that the high-end racecars come close to that kind of experience.

Toolz 10-14-2002 11:23 PM

High-end racecar, nah, $5K shifter kart and you're wiped out. If you've never done it Chris, why don't you come with me and few of the boys in Nov, we've got a couple hour time-block reserved, we can lie to them and tell them you've completed the beginner courses already :)

Evil Chris 10-14-2002 11:36 PM

Tell me when and where! You're going already, that's for sure?

Toolz 10-14-2002 11:45 PM

You bet, depends on when you're coming into Vegas, it's my old diggs so I like to hang out before and after events, town has too much fun for just a few days.

Toolz 10-14-2002 11:53 PM

Here's the track


**Warning** this is not regular go-kart bullshit racing, this is the REAL deal, you will exceed 110mph in these karts and pull over 3 G's in the corners. No pussies allowed. I'll talk with John at ARS, he's the orgainzer and buddies with Paul Tracy and the kid who runs the school, pretty funny for Paul to be racing in Japan on Sunday and in Gold's on Wed working out with us.

Anyways if you're interested I'll let you know the exact date we're gonna push the envelope on death.

luke 10-15-2002 11:12 AM

Those things look REALLY fun! I think I saw them on espn before.

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