X Nations

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geohuck 10-05-2003 07:35 PM

Super Clean Freehost
We would like to announce our new freehost:


- 10MB Webspace (Multiple Accounts OK)

- Unlimited Bandwidth

- Very Small, Text-Only Header Ad

- NO Footer Ads at all

Our freehost is 100% TGP compliant and our ads will NEVER get you banned from ANY TGP.

This is NO-FRILLS free adult hosting: five-file uploader, no FTP, no extras. But what may cost you a few extra seconds in uploading files will pay off big-time with our TGP-Friendly header ad, fast server, and the ease with which your galleries will get listed on the largest TGPs with our super-clean freehost. We will not be adding footer ads or increasing the size of our header ad. What you see, is how it will be.

Check us out and sign up now:


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