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ARiA 10-08-2003 01:58 PM

Hey Everyone!
I have missed you guys SOOOOOOOOOOO much! I pop in every once in a while to see how everybody's doing, but I have been keeping busy..
I am not with AEBN anymore as of 6 months or so-
and I'm not doing ANYTHING in the industry now, BUT I still visit a few sites from time to time :laughout:
For the most part I am trying to enjoy some of the free time I have-
and I am planning to fly out to Los Angeles in the next few weeks or so- I REALLY want to check out a few parts of California, and then from there I am driving to Oregon to visit with my Older brother for a few days. then driving back (which I have been told is nuts) to NC. I can't wait!
Well I hope everyone has been doing ok (scratch that) I hope you are all having the time of your lives!! I am absolutely in love with every person that I have had the pleasure of getting to know- and I see a LOT! of new faces too! cool. hello to everyone I haven't met (I probably luv you guys too) :luv:

Mucho congrats to you guys (FB, EC) for spawning possibly the most handsome absolutely, ADORABLE little guy I have ever seen! I am scared to have kids of my own now for fear that he wont such a beautifully shaped head! LOL :xthumbs: way to go guys!

Thanks Chris for fixing me up so I can post again! I really did miss all of you guys!


wsjb78 10-08-2003 02:04 PM

*hugs* welcome back to xnations sweety. We've missed you all so much. *hugs*

Evil Chris 10-08-2003 02:10 PM

ARiA you're back! Nice to see you are in good spirits too.
Yes FB and I have had our hands full with Ryan all summer, but it's been great!

Visualad 10-08-2003 02:15 PM

Welcome Back!

ARiA 10-08-2003 03:38 PM

Thanks! it's really good to be back to say hello to everybody again, I'll hang around for a while...... if you'll have me :bump:

EC I just could not stop staring at Ryan.. he's so beautiful! I'm glad you guys posted the pics.

wsjb78 10-08-2003 03:50 PM

So ARiA,

now that you have finally come back you'll need to post here on a regular base...
I'm really glad you're back here and I hope you'll be here more often again. You were dearly missed!

Funbrunette 10-08-2003 09:49 PM

You're back! At last...I've been asking about you! Silly girl, you know you're welcome here ANYTIME! Please keep in touch! We've all missed you! :D

tornell 10-09-2003 03:29 AM


GrimShawn 10-09-2003 12:44 PM

hey welcome back! X nations is a good place to be, Evil C does it right!

If you're heading up to LA give good old grim a shout, i'll give you a proper tour!

ICQ 139682480!!

wsjb78 10-09-2003 01:11 PM

Grim Shaw,

I think with you avatar you rather scare our beloved ARiA away :D

ARiA 10-09-2003 01:34 PM


Originally posted by GrimShawn
hey welcome back! X nations is a good place to be, Evil C does it right!

If you're heading up to LA give good old grim a shout, i'll give you a proper tour!

ICQ 139682480!!

;) I would love to have the proper tour, and some company- I'll be out there in 3-5 weeks, we'll go find the fun.. and some guiness on tap! :glugglug:

FB- keep posting those gorgeous pics of you here and I may NEVER leave!!
btw. I think when little Ryan grows up, if he ever runs into that picture, will be proud to have such a beautiful, classy mom!


GrimShawn 10-09-2003 01:43 PM


Originally posted by wsjb78
Grim Shaw,

I think with you avatar you rather scare our beloved ARiA away :D

My avatar is all about showing my sense of humor! Ask Chris that dude knows haha

And if a cartoon scares someone away, we all have issues then!

GrimShawn 10-09-2003 01:44 PM


Originally posted by ARiA
;) I would love to have the proper tour, and some company- I'll be out there in 3-5 weeks, we'll go find the fun.. and some guiness on tap! :glugglug:

Hey sounds good, I'll await the message! Plans will need to be made, so get with me anytime, I am almost always online

Tafkap 10-10-2003 04:33 AM

Hey Hun, Good to see u back!!!

We missed u :blush:


gabrio 10-12-2003 07:32 AM


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