X Nations

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tiamoon 10-14-2003 09:02 AM

Giving away free user/pass
to my asian tgp site. If you build ASIAN tgp galleriers please send me an email and I will add you as a partner.


I'm not requiring a RECIP at this time as my main objective is to post high quality galleries only. I'm sure this will change with demand so get in early.

I am also looking for link trades.

And while i have your attention, I am offering a 50/50 revenue sharing program to my amateur site www.tiamoon.com. I have several galleries that can be used to promote the site. This content is fairly new and hasn't been requested that often...I know because it is password protected. You need to sign up for the revenue sharing program and then email me for the password to download the content. This way I have an idea of when to change out the content to keep things fresh.



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