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EvilDan 10-15-2003 03:00 AM

Evil Dan - Just joined your board
Gday Everyone

Just found your board, and I would like to say Gday to everyone

First may I say that I know you guys have an EVIL Chris in the house, and I'm not trying to take the Evil title from the man - lol

For those of you who dont know me (yet)

I am based in Brisbane Australia, and been in this game since 1999

I own about 400 + front ends, with about 20 PHP driven members areas

I also own www.HardProfits.com, www.MultiBill.com

My next big project which has taken a year to build is www.ezygo.com, and I am planning on launching it in a beta form by Dec 1, with a full launch for the Winter InterNext in January 2004.

Ezygo will include between 10 to 13 new products/services, many of which are totally new to the adult market.

Anyways, I am gald to find you here, and I look forward to some great chats


Mefo 10-15-2003 05:26 AM

Let me be the first to welcome you to Xnations!

adamneve 10-15-2003 05:34 AM

welcome to the Nation EvilDan :salute:

Visualad 10-15-2003 08:47 AM


Broda 10-15-2003 08:55 AM

Hiya EvilDan :) and welcome!

I'm kind of new here myself :blush:

wsjb78 10-15-2003 09:00 AM

Welcome here Evil Dan, I'm glad you finally found the way here

P.S.: Go Adelaide Crows, go!

Tafkap 10-15-2003 09:35 AM

Welcome Home and Enjoy Ur Stay!!


Panky 10-15-2003 09:59 AM

Welcum to XNations EvilDan <img src="http://www.adultisubmit4u.com/Smile/wave2.gif" width="25" height="22">

<img src="http://www.adultisubmit4u.com/Smile/sp001.gif" width="32" height="32">

<img src="http://www.adultisubmit4u.com/Smile/upsidedown.gif" width="15" height="15">

Mister X 10-15-2003 10:38 AM

Welcome Evil D! :happy:

Hmmm... Evil C and Evil D.... can a rap album be far away? :D

Diva 10-15-2003 10:55 AM

Welcome to the Board Evil Dan!

Evil Chris 10-15-2003 11:27 AM

Hello my Evil brudda from down unda! :cackle:

LaurieX 10-15-2003 11:43 AM

HI welcome to the board!

EvilDan 10-15-2003 10:26 PM

Wow - thanks everyone for such a warm welcome

I really appreciate it

And for those people here who are attending the webmaster summit in Vancouver, make sure you throw something at my big ugly head and say Gday

I promise I will shout you a drink or ten ;-)

Evil Chris - You wil always be the more Evil of the two of us (unless you see inside one of my private parties at the shows - lol) :evil:

wsjb78 - Brisbane Lions are "THE KINGS OF THE WORLD" - Muahaha

Mister X - Sorry - no Rap album for me. An Evil Mega party at one of the shows - count me in

wsjb78 10-16-2003 06:32 AM

Too bad I can't receive and Australian Rules here on TV... I miss it so much... at least when I was in Adelaide in '96 (yes, the year when Melbourne stole the F1 Grand Prix from Adelaide!!!) North Melbourne got beaten by the Sydney Swans in the final! THAT was a satisfaction!

Btw, although I came a lot in Down Under during the year I never made it to Brisbane but intend to go there maybe next year!

Evil Chris 10-16-2003 10:07 AM

Some day I'll visit Australia I hope!

wsjb78 10-16-2003 10:58 AM

Australia is such a great place... people are so friendly and open there... go for it EC and you won't be disappointed!

razoractive 10-17-2003 08:21 PM

Welcome Evil Dan...

Razoractive ( Ray@orgasmcash.com)

hyatla 10-17-2003 08:48 PM

Welcom. :)

EvilDan 10-18-2003 06:50 AM

EC - If you ever do make it to Australia, make sure you give me lots of warning soI can hook you up with all the good stuff

wsjb78 - do you get NRL instead - a much better game than aerial ping pong IMO - lol

razoractive - onceI get settled in LA, I willcontact you on the international traffic thingamajig ;-)

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