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AcidMaX 10-24-2003 01:59 PM

Free Live Chat for your site
I just launched a small IRC network that will allow people to chat live across multiple sites. I am looking for people who might be interested in using this on their free sites, paysites etc.

I have a java chat applet I can customize for your site if you want to have that you can just link to it, and people can connect to the network via mIRC or anything else just like a regular IRC network.

If you are interested, this is completely free and just something I am doing to try and make my sites a better place to hang out. If a few sites get together and refer users to a common room it will make it better for all parties involved to get in on live chat.

Anyhow, just let me know, you can ICQ me at 70930467 , e-mail me at webmaster@smutlinks.net or join the chat network at
irc.adultlivechat.net | port 6667 and join #alc which is just the network chat room. There is really no one on there except a few stragglers from my site right now but think it will help out with site retention if we can band together and get a few rooms with some good chat going.

Let me know,
ICQ: 70930467
IRC: irc.adultlivechat.net | #alc
E-Mail: webmaster@smutlinks.net

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